


7 years, 10 months ago



【 Name 】 Alen
【 Age 】 25
【 Height 】 5'6"
【 Type 】 Woodland

Calm Kind Punctilious Skillful

Elemental Affinity/Abilities - Weak fire manipulation, Enhanced dexterity.

The only son born to his families younger generations, Alen has been trained all his life to inherit his father's shoppe. Alen is a sweet humble soul, he has never wanted for more than his lot in life, and accepts his duty to his family with a bright smile always on his face. He is very talented at cobblery and tailor work, and love to study clothing from every culture place around the world. While their shoppe had been a small hole in the wall for alterations before, Alen brought a lot of modern fashion their way and has become very popular with the young debutante in the city, making custom garments for them. They come for the fashion and stay for his hospitible attitude. Though he doesn't have much time to have a personal life away from the shoppe, when he can make time for his family and girlfriend he loves to visit the mountains with them. His goal is to make their business super successful so her can take care of his loved one.

Likes: His Girlfriend, Nature, Working with his hand, Fashion, Designing clothing.

Dislikes: Fast fashion, smog, dirt.


Mei Cousin To Alen, Mei is more a sister to him than a cousin. His parents took in Mei when her parents fell on hard times and moved away, not wanting to move her away from the life she had known, and now they don't remember a time without one another. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with her, and dressing her up in his designs.

Omera Girlfriend From the moment Alen laid eyes on Omera he was enamoured. They met when his family took a vaction to the wilds around their city, and they were treated to a hike guided by the Churiel indigenous to the mountains. Omera was their personal guide, her kindness and intelligence made an instant impression on him. The became fast friends and then lovers, and though they both lead busy lives, they always make time to visit one another. Alen hopes be a man that Omera can be proud to marry one day.

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