


4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Logi

Name meaning: Fire

Nickname: Hálogi

Reason for nickname: meaning ‘High Flame’ after the eruptions from the hydrothermal vents

Titles/kennings: Lava Lord, Bone-Eater, Embrtyde: an ocean spirit associated with giving heat and lifeblood to freezing water, but also with the seas wild temper and ruthless nature

Species: Sea Monster/Naga

Subspecies/breed/type: Fire

Pronouns: He-Him

Age: Unknown

How old do they appear: Adult

Eye color: Bioluminescent blue

Hair: long, tentacle like tendrils that glow along the ends

Voice: ‘gravel and panther’

Distinguishing characteristics: Main colors are varied shades of dark red and glowing blue, has some large darker red scales and horns, glowing blue fins/eyes/tongue/tendrils


Logi makes his home in and around the active field of Hydrothermal Vents known as Loki’s Castle. His actual den lies beneath the ocean floor in elaborate tunnels, caves, and magma pockets. This system of caverns has been painstakingly carved and decorated into a subterranean palace filled with items from all over the world, hoarded from shipwrecks or given as godly offerings. It remains undiscovered thanks to his wards and runes fed by the natural energies of the vents with no expenditure of Logi’s own magic.