
some facts and stuff that I copied from artfight because I’m removing them but my artfight links here so people can still see them #cool:

clothing: comfy, baggy clothing taste. cannot wear tight clothes and jeans, meanwhile likes beanies, long pants, cardigans and sweaters. absolutely adores clothes with space themes or stripes. always wears gloves and is usually found wearing her purple star necklace.

  • semi-verbal. more confident with singing around strangers as opposed to talking around them, though she isn’t exactly confident with either. usually will only talk to her boyfriend. to communicate with anyone else, Galaxy writes down what she wants to say using a whiteboard she carries everywhere, uses sign language or gestures.
  • loves to sing, despite being semi-verbal with terrible stage fright. would love to study general music theory as a career.
    • her boyfriend, Callumn, is also passionate about singing and the two often duet.
  • Galaxy loves the beach. she often goes there to calm down and even used to live there while homeless.
  • her special interest (alongside music) is anything outer space - stars, galaxies, aliens. her entire aesthetic is space-themed, she loves stargazing, she loves to talk about stars and she even named herself after the galaxy.
  • collects seashells. the first thing she does whenever she goes to a new beach is find seashells to add to this collection.
  • sometimes carries around a scythe for comfort. this has gotten her suspended on multiple occasions.
  • a dog person. Galaxy absolutely adores dogs and ends up adopting a white, fluffy puppy named Rose.
  • bilingual, speaking English, Japanese and sign language fluently as well as a little bit of Candellion that Callumn taught her.
  • her favourite drink is milk. her favourite colour is purple.
  • is sensory averse towards almost everything.
  • Galaxy adores really cheesy and wholesome romance movies. meanwhile she hates ghost movies as they are almost always wildly inaccurate from the true ghost experience.
personality: shy, quiet, introverted. very intelligent both academically and musically. protective, caring, anxious, polite, easily startled + overwhelmed and occasionally intimidating. while Galaxy appears meek, she will stand up for herself and others if need be and is surprisingly quite snarky. usually found with a very blank or slightly grumpy expression.

- semi-verbal and uses her whiteboard, sticky notes, communication cards and/or gestures to talk to others.
- her special interests are space and music!! mostly possesses space themed things, loves stargazing, named herself after the galaxy. more inclined to sing in front of people than to talk, wants a job in music. constantly thinking, researching and talking about both!!
- favourite drink is plain milk. absolutely obsessed with it.
- loves the beach. the waves are very calming to her.
- cannot stand tight clothes or denim. wears a lot of loose and baggy clothing.
- comfort objects are her whiteboard, her purple star necklace and her scythe (for some reason).
- collects seashells. the first thing she does whenever she goes to a new beach is find seashells to bring home.
- loves dogs!!
- adores cheesy and wholesome romance movies. hates, meanwhile, most horror for its ghost lore inaccuracy.