

Username: Lonewolf199152

Eros name: Fang

Eros gender: Male

This is a Closed Species.

"The Eroshippus or commonly just referred to as "Eros" for short is a sub species of equine that can trace its lineage to the Eohippus, an ancient ancestor to your common day horse. These animals are known to live in the mountain ranges and valleys of North America and are extremely hard to see, let alone capture. Luckily for you, a few breeders got their hands on some specimens and are now offering them out to new owners to expand the breeds reach outside the small town they were founded in!



Hooves: An Eros unless mutated will have a set of triple toed front hooves and a set of double toed back hooves, this lends the Eros the advantage of stability and the ability to exceed in both work and sport.

Fangs: Both males and females have been shown to exhibit long canine fangs set inside a rather predatory mouth for an equine. This allows the Eros to be omnivorous in nature and consume food materials ranging from grains and grass to fish or meat. The fangs themselves are used in fighting for territory or mates and play. If an Eros is inclined they can secrete a venom through these fangs in a limited supply, once it has entered the victims bloodstream it creates a euphoric feeling to incapacitate and eventually render them unconscious. Thankfully for a injured Eros they can use saliva for its healing properties after a particularly nasty fight, its proven useful for medicines as well. Lastly, once a foal looses its baby teeth they only have one adult set of chompers, so make sure you take good care of your buddy's teeth!

Horns: Both sexes of this equine have a single long horn on the fore head unless mutated. This horn starts out as a small nub at birth and continuously grows with its owner until maturity when it reaches its maximum length. The horn itself is made out of a strong cartilage material that is covered by a thin soft covering of fur, they can be broken or sadly removed but to great pain to the owner due to its sensitive nerve endings found in its core. Its not been observed to have any uses except in play jousting or attracting a mate.

Height and Weight:The average height for an adult Eros at the withers is 17 hands (5ft 8in) for males, and 16-16.5 hands (5ft 4in) for females. They range in weight from 300–550 kg (660–1,210 lb), but variations in height and weight have been observed.

Temperament: The Eros has a very laid back attitude, lending them to be great farm animals for children due to their dog like nature and love to cuddle with their humans. When not being used for pleasure rides these big lumbering beasts are used for jousting, cart races, or in some cases, polo. These equines are not the smoothest rides out there due to their choppy, loping gait but are renowned for their short soft coat and fluffy mane that runs down their back. Its also important to note that a Eros is highly intelligent, some say they can communicate with each other and have around the sense of self awareness that humans do. To our human ears Eros communicate by all your common horse sounds along with purrs,chirps, and guttural “growls”

Mating: Jousting of horns is a common courtship ritual done between two males or even females vying for a special Eros’s attention, additionally fights with a Eros fangs have been shown as another way to win a mate. However it's also been shown that suitors will cover themselves in colorful dust or materials to show off against other competitors in a more friendly approach to courtship. Eros are herd animals and prefer to have two or more individuals in a family herd and will possibly take up many different mates in their lifetime, although life mates are not unheard of. Curiously it's been observed that same sex Eros have been mated to each other and many touched owners have been working together to make offspring available to these couples."