
Spirynx adopts on cs

What is a Spirynx ?

Spirynx are lynx like creatures who ward off evil spirits .
They use the bells tied to their tails to communicate
with ghosts . The aren't born with them though . Soon
after birth a spirit attaches to them, and forms the bells
for the Spirynx . These creatures have thick fur around
their neck and chest area- this fur protects them from
the evils when they travel between both the spirit
realm and the human realm . These are tricky and fickle
creatures, and while they strive to protect humans they
also like to play pranks on them . They aren't very
trustworthy, and it's best to steer clear of them if you
see one .

What's an "attached spirit" ?

A attached spirit is a ghost that bonds with the spirynx
when it is born . This spirit is usually a solid color, but
can come in a variety of styles . They use their ghostly
powers to make a pair ( sometimes less or more ) of
bells for their assigned spirynx . These bells allow them
to communicate with each other, and for the spirynx to
talk with other ghosts as well .