Ghayme Gornshteyn



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Ghayme Gornshteyn

Gender: Male

Age: 23 (82 technically) 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Undead Snake

Occupation: Rockstar / Student 

Height: 6'7

Weight: 154 lbs

Personality: Ghayme trys to pull of the arrogant and smooth vibe in front of his fans however this is not exactly true. He has never found school the easiest, is extremely gullible and well is easily tricked. He loves the lime light on stage but off it he would much rather just make people leave him alone. Very interdependent and confident in his own decisions this can lead him to good but occasionally it turns into a big mistake. His passion for everything is his biggest plus his music is what he lives for and the people he knows is why he keeps going.

Background: TBA

Likes: Hugs, Music, His friends, Baking

Dislikes: Sudden Loud noises, the dark