


5 years, 1 month ago


Hollis Lux

He/ him



A centuries old witch who specializes in dark magic. A bit of a jack of all trades in terms of his focus, though he tends to lean towards runes, unspoken spells, and occasional potions. 

Taught magic directly from the Empress of The Wilds Impia herself, though this wasn't done on good faith on her part. She looked to create a pawn of the lowly human. And when he started to drift away from her, she made it so she would be the only one he could turn to. And it worked. For centuries she kept her pawn, Hollis blindly devoted to her, willing to do whatever she asked of him no matter how cruel or heinous it may be. She only finally lost him when it was revealed to him just what she'd done to keep control over his life, how much she'd taken from him and would continue to take until there was nothing of him left. She was struck down in rage, her connection to the material plane severed, forcing her back to The Wilds. Though not before leaving the witch cursed, and a large set of scars ripped down his back as a physical reminder. 

Hollis, left truly alone now in a time he didn't fully understand, looked to make a life for himself. It's taken him years upon years to learn what he did under Impia's command was cruel, and that in his time alone since then anger has still left him a cruel and terrible person to those he's come to know. And while he seeks to right some of the wrongs he's done, he knows in some cases its perhaps too late for that.