Species: Frin (CLOSED)



4 years, 9 months ago


As of right now, Frin is a private species. I am considering opening it up to everyone once I get all the details worked out. 

Basic Info

Frin are a fluffy rideable creature I created a few years ago, a little larger than the average horse. 

I've described them as a giant rideable dog, but that is only partially true. They are more or less a mix of a large cat, dog, and horse. 

The word "Frin" is both the singular and the plural. 

A male Frin is called a Jack, and the Female is called a Jinny. A baby Frin is called a Cub or a Fawn interchangeably. A group of Frin is called a "community"


Frin are omnivorous, but like dogs, lean more towards a carnivore. A Frin can survive on a vegetarian diet, but will not be as healthy as one that eats meats. A Frin fed a vegetarian diet is close to cruel, as they will only resort to a vegetarian diet when prey is scarce in the wild. Frin are solitary hunters, as they are fast enough and strong enough to catch most prey

Mating habits

Frin do not mate for life, but both parents are protective of their cubs. A pair of Frin will court a while before mating, and the pair will stay together until their offspring reach their first year. Although they are not exclusive for life, a pair may stay together for multiple mating seasons and have several litters together. Litters usually range from 2-4 cubs, but they can have as many as 6 cubs in a litter, and as few as a single cub. Although Frin have this kind of breeding capability, their numbers are still on the low end in Azurel. Nevertheless, both mother and father work for the well-being of their offspring. The father usually hunts for his family, while the mother minds the cubs-though role-reversal has been seen, though it's not common. In terms of survival, this would be to ensure the mother doesn't die while away from her cubs. It's a team effort. The Frin don't really have much in the way of natural predators, but they are often mistaken as hostile beasts and have been killed out of ill-placed fear. Frin also have the danger of getting into a bad accident or fighting a rogue, aggressive Frin. 


Frin aren't totally solitary, they tend to form small familial groups called "communities". Much like herd animals or pack animals, Frin can develop friendships and loyalties with other Frin, and sometimes offspring bring their season's mate and have their litter among their community. Sometimes offspring never truly leave the community. Frin are as varied in personalities as humans, some are very meek and submissive, while others are quite bold and aggressive. Not all Frin are capable of being tamed.


Much like imprinting, it's easiest done when their babies. Bonding to a Frin makes them lifetime loyal to an individual. Bonding to an adult takes much more time and patience than bonding to a cub. To bond to an adult Frin is to make yourself vulnerable to them. Showing that you are one of their community. Bonding exercises are not a show of dominance or force, but rather an acceptance of an individual. Not all attempted bondings will work, some Adult Frin will refuse to bond. A Frin doesn't have to be bonded to be friendly or easy to work with, but a Bonded Frin will refuse to comply or take orders to any other individual other than their bonded partner.

*more will be added later*