
5 years, 1 month ago


Also known asNibbs
SpeciesWerebear (Spectacled Bear)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut molestie eros nec iaculis tristique. Integer malesuada scelerisque elit, nec viverra leo ultricies sed. Morbi eget vehicula dui, volutpat consectetur metus. Mauris non tincidunt sapien. Vestibulum metus nisl, facilisis eget sollicitudin elementum, accumsan nec sapien. Suspendisse porttitor nisi sit amet nibh vehicula ultrices.

Curabitur interdum diam justo. Nulla lacinia elementum enim, at molestie nisi accumsan eget. Fusce at sem viverra, volutpat mauris sit amet, imperdiet diam. Aenean metus ante, consequat eu enim ut, tristique placerat magna. Vestibulum nec tempus nibh.


Nibbs is a former spectacled bear turned werebear by a local experimenting witch. She much prefers her bear form and is notably awkward and clumsy in her more human shapes.

Since being turned, she's become much more self aware and sentient, going as far as to take on her own name, which was really more of a nickname given to her by a nearby village- Nibbler, or Nibbs for short, as she much prefers, named for her large teeth and her love of food.

One odd thing that should be noted, in her more cognizant lifestyle, is that Nibbs has taken a liking to magic. She spent some time learning under the witch that turned her, Cava, but quickly found her interest turning to what many consider the darker arts of necromancy.

Nibbs can often be found summoning herself companions from the dead in the forms of deceased birds or other small herbivores. She's quite particular about avoiding larger predators, as she's not too keen on fighting. 

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