Inej Rouvas



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Inej Rouvas


19 y/o (24 y/o after time skip)






7/27- Blue Sea Moon


Golden Bison


Noble, Wyvern Lord (Time Skip)


Ladon (father), Ceto (mother), Thayne (older brother), Brylle (eldest sis), Semele (2nd eldest sis), three adoptive younger siblings

Recruit Conditions

STR & Flying


Marisha Ray


Personal Ability: [Galvanize] Luck and Hit Rate of allies next to her is increased.

Crest: [Major Crest of Stheno] a.k.a. "Crest of the Gorgon"; A Crest lost to time. Sometimes allows unit to survive a lethal blow, leaving unit at 1 HP.

Strengths: Axe, Flying, Brawling, Reason

Weaknesses: Lance, Authority

Budding Talent: Faith

Likes: shopping, goofing off, pranks, festivals, outdoor activities, sleeping in, children, Four-Spice Blend

Dislikes: cleaning, people who disrespect her family or are rude to her siblings, boring Crest research sessions

Lost Items: Dark Merchant eye shadow palette, unusual carnival mask, broken sandal

Preferred Gifts: Stylish Hair Clip, Gemstone Beads, Sunflower, Exotic Spices


• Inej is the daughter to a noble House within the Desperbasque Alliance that relocated from the Anaitian Empire when one of their family members with the Major Crest of Stheno went berserk. They're not as prominent as their peers, but they've been a longstanding supporter of the Desperbasque Alliance since House Rouvas's establishment, and have mostly just assisted in the background. 

• Despite living a fairly happy and comfortable life with her many siblings, her parents couldn't pass up the too-good-to-be-true opportunity proposed by fellow noble friends to have one of their children undergo blood reconstruction surgery to possibly attain a Crest. While a couple of Inej's siblings had Minor Crests already, they thought that they could raise their status and create a "better" future for their family by taking this, seemingly small, risk. They were genuinely naive and ill-informed by the cruel methods and harmful effects of the surgery.

• They had almost chosen Inej to undergo the surgery as her Crest hadn't surfaced yet at the time. However her oldest sister, Brylle, volunteered in her place. In the end, Inej was forced to watch her sister slowly wither away... Not long after her passing did Inej's own Crest reveal itself. Since then she's viewed the Crest as some sort of mark of her sister's sacrifice.

• Since then, she's made it a point to protect the life her sister gave to her... and to live life to the fullest, without worry for the small things or with regret. Sometimes, she takes this a liiiitle too far with her generally easygoing attitude and partier lifestyle. She just wants to have fun and for her friends to have fun too. That said, when it comes to battle, she fights tooth and nail, without mercy. 

• Her parents decide to send her off to the monastery so that she can learn more about her Crest. Her goal is just to just have fun at the monastery (and find out how to make her Crest useful, she guesses :/).


• Optimal classes atm are Wyvern Rider>Wyvern Lord, Brigand>Warrior, or Warlock. 

Post-Time Skip Era

• Traveling around with her sister, a Bishop, and her bishop friends to tend to the soldiers on the front lines as a sort of bodyguard/escort.