


4 years, 9 months ago


"Quote here" 

Person name here

Basic information

Name: Aiko

Alias:  Ai-ai / Kiko

Age:  19

Race:  Mobian liger / Lightling

Gender:  Female

Height:  3,0

Occupation:  Safelight's top anomaly/alien  researcher / Safelight's assistant nurse

Personality:  Analytical / reckless and chaotic at times / wistful / loyal / reliable / generous / will sometimes be sly to get on someone's good side if she needs too / could be seen as manipulative by some people, though she means no harm.

Sexuality:  Asexual / Bi/Panromantic

Likes:  Video games / strawberry milk / ice skating / dancing / scent of lavender / swimming / archery and or sharpshooting / 

Dislikes:  Spicy foods / being stuck at home / being seen as weak and fragile / hurting others / allergies / loud music / cucumbers and snakes




  • Aiko used to be a young star at ice skating as a young preteen, having her own rival named Solar as well. yet as her condition progressed, she had to quit her dreams as well as several of her old hobbies, like dancing and swimming.
  • She smells like cherries and stock flowers
  • Aiko suffers from N.I.D.S, the same condition Maria Robotnik had. Though no one knows how Maria was before she died, Aiko's been told several times she'll be lucky to live past the age of 25 because of how severe her condition was as a child.
  • More on N.I.D.S: N.I.D.S, short for Neuro-immune Deficiency Syndrome was a disease that Maria Robotnik, Buns Rabbot and Aiko seem to have, while it's been fatal in 70% of cases, in the case of Aiko, she seems to be more on the lucky side. 
  • N.I.D.S, it gives her migraines often, making her muscles/nerves ache on her back/spine, thighs, hands and knees. If it were to progress any further, it'll soon affect not only cause permanent damage to her nervous system, but also her organs and brain, causing them to shut down, hence why N.I.D.S is so deadly. Yet because of her Lightling DNA having a regeneration factor, any damage made doesn't seem to be permanent for the most part, yet even then, doesn't neutralizes the effects it has on her. Constantly regenerating her own nerves and her own system is draining her energy constantly.




Born after her two eldest siblings, Aiko was always considered the runt of the litter by her family.

With her father being an Liger and her mother being an alien species called Lightlings, there was always the chance of complications of being a hybrid, yet her family could never expect that she would develop symptoms of N.I.D.S when she was only a few months old. In turn, unlocking her soul gem the earliest out of everyone.

Being in an out of hospitals while being so young made her father, Jurou, very protective of her, as well as her mother Kura, though she will become more laid back as her lightling abilities kicks in when she's around 5 years old. Notably, lightings regeneration and healing abilities, because of this, Kura could train with her to specialize in this to teach her how to 'hibernate' in a sense to heal and or repair her body. Hence why Aiko seems to lose energy so fast, because her body tries to go into hibernation mode when her powers are used too much and or she's injured.

Aiko will still grow to befriend Moxie and Marianette when still in elementary and the three became close friends, essentially being Aiko's only friends for a long time.

Yet it would be because of their friendship where Marianette unlocks her soul gems abilities. Trying to save her on their way home from school during the winter when they got lost in the woods trying to run from people trying to take Aiko to get back at her parents.

By the time she's 10, she had to give up her dreams and hobbies as her condition got worse, having to be home often while Moxie and Marianette would visit.

Around the time she was 13, she would start assisting her parents with their family business, Safelight, researching and adding aliens to a database. in turn, also getting to know about Earth and the humans that reside it as well, also learning about G.U.N in the process. doing on field research, as well as "Contain and Secure" protocol. teaching her how to properly use their weaponry. Though Jurou was very hesitant to let her on board to help in the first place.

When she was 15, was when the incident of The Ark happened, causing her to learn about "Project Shadow". Wanting to solve the problem the easy way by getting rid of Eggman completely to get things over with, her parents had to stop her and or confiscate her weapons so she wouldn't try anything as they researched more about the project. During this time she had a personal body guard by the name of Zero, nowadays known as Infinite. In the process, also meeting Star whom, after a few fights and confrontation on the destroyed moon, became a close friend and ally. During this, she would also befriend and soon become the girlfriend of Bastion, though they would break up only two years later. Another year later, she would begin dating another man, though that relationship would end very...shortly and not as gracefully as it did with bastion




In the present, 4-5 years have passed since the Ark incident, business going on as usual as she continued on with her life only for it to change, as she's assigned none other than Shadow as her new body guard after Zero went missing the previous years.











  • Hydrokinesis 
  • Cryokinesis
  • Healing and Minor Regeneration
  • Calming ability.