(OTA) Vincent's Comments

hi! does anyone on my account interest you for them?

Heyy, she's really cute~ https://toyhou.se/5753541.estelle Would you trade for her?

no sorry,, im not really trading favs atm

ouh rats Tell me if you ever take offers on her!

hmm I also liked these 2: https://toyhou.se/5118223.neon https://toyhou.se/7616383.agust-d (love the suga demon aesthetic)

Not sure in which folders they are since you said "anyone" so I just looked at the list of all of your ocs

i understand,, but again im not really interested in trading my favs atm (favourite folder)

sorry my bad i should've said before offering 

Hi! Omg I love this character! I’m literally  freaking out because he’s the exact sort of character I’ve been looking for!! 

I also really love this gorgeous guy as well! https://toyhou.se/6186051.nathanael

I can offer any characters from this folder! https://toyhou.se/chubbycheckers22/characters?page=1

I can also offer art if you aren’t interested in any of the characters but, I‘d prefer character trades as I’m quite busy already. You can even have Up to 5 characters in exchange for these 2 boys if you like! I just love them so much!

please let me know if you’re interested In any!! Hope you have a great day!❤️

Heyy so I looked through your characters

These were the ones that interested me most:



Though I‘m unsure if I‘d actually wanna trade for those :/

I‘m primarily looking for money offers

You can show some art examples if you want

If I like your art style I‘m willing to wait a bit for it too :3

Hi! I can definitely trade these 2 characters in exchange for the two characters of yours I liked! 



I can also do art as an add on/extra but, because I keep changing my art style, this is the only recent artwork I have as an example: 


at the moment, I’m only doing headshots like this, so I can Trade the 2 characters you like and 2-3 headshot artworks of whatever human characters you’d like!
let me know if you’re still interested! 

I see..

What of this is actually your art?

Since a lot of the pictures don’t seem to be yours

Ah ok, the first picture that I linked you to is my current art

but I have more examples here: 


at the moment I can’t do halfbodies but, I can do headshots and bust ups