
4 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Myrina Theia

Name Meaning: /See Below/

Nickname(s): None

Gender: Female

Age: Undecided

Pride: Tomoko’s Pride

Location: Wren Ravine

Status: Warrior


(+) Positive Traits: ENTER, TRAITS, HERE

(=) Neutral Traits: ENTER, TRAITS, HERE

(-) Negative Traits: ENTER, TRAITS, HERE

General History

“There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Theia was born a masterpiece, exactly as she was planned. Big, strong; everything was perfect. Except for one weakness: her heart. It may sound cheesy to say, but her heart truly was her downfall from the very beginning. Even before the logic of her brain caught up, her heart always knew her parents were wrong. That they were cruel, that she wasn’t meant to be a tool. A weapon.
To be honest doesn’t mind fighting, to an extent at least. It brings her no joy in any sense of the word, but she’ll do it. Willingly if she has to of course, but happily if it’s to protect those she cares about or to defend the defenseless. This clashed with her family’s ideals in horrible ways, meshed even worse. For the longest time she believed family was forged by blood and blood alone, and that without them she’d have no one. She found no joy in following their example, but they were family. Right?

Wrong, very wrong. It took her so long to figure that out, to realize she was more than what they tried to forge her into. Her heart on fire was too strong, too hot, constantly melting the cool steel they tried to seal it in. It was inevitable she’d escape, and escape she did.
From then on though, she decided she’d never live the way she had before, never again. She’d follow her heart, helping others and searching for a family she can call her own. She’d guide others, becoming a beacon of light by which she’d guide them along her footsteps. She’d be better. She’d be strong. 

Why This/These Name(s)

Her names are hard for her to come to terms with, to put it simply. The first she was given without a choice, while the second she made her own. Myrina, her given name, is derived from the Ancient Greek “mýrina (μύρινα),” who was a strong and brave Amazonian queen. Her parents valued brute strength above all else, even their own daughter’s wishes. But, despite wanting nothing more than to leave her past behind, she recognizes that it forms the foundation of who she has become and that she cannot ignore or abandon it. It is as integral to her as anything else but it is not all that she is, which leads us to her chosen name: Thea. With Greek origins, the literal meaning is “divine” or “goddess.” However, upon digging deeper, it is specifically the name of the goddess of light. What this represents to her is her dream to continue walking the path of light: she hopes to not only become more than what she was born to be, but also help guide others to do the same.