


4 years, 9 months ago


Mai is a vent character of mine, shes really precious to me and a lot of thought went into making her as personal as possible and designing her in a way that would make me want o draw her. So in that regard absolutely do not steal, claim her as your own or take heavy HEAVY inspiration from her. 


Full name: MAI - Meaningful artificial emotion Integration project mark 5.6 (Or Mai for short)  (subject to changes as story progresses)

Nickname(s) or Alias: Mai, maimai, Mee

Gender: Female

Species: Artificial life, She see's herself as not human but has no idea what she is otherwise.

Age: Unknown but she looks around 16-19 ish

Birthday:  Unknown

Sexuality: She doesn't know, shes confused enough as it is dammit.

City or town of birth: All she knows is it was not a good place and the further away she gets the better, but somewhere in America.

Currently lives: On the run looking for a purpose in life

Languages spoken: She should be able to speak all of them but after an accident that destroyed a good portion of her ability to retain information she can only speak 1 language at a time, normally the one shes being talked to in. It just means she needs to delete the ability to speak the language she knew before hand. English is her main language still

Native language: English

Relationship Status: Single and will remain that way coz she dont need no man ( or woman)


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 46kg

Figure/build: Skinny and frail due to bad maintenance of herself. 

Eye colour: Her eyes are black apart from a tiny spot of white to mark her pupils 

Tattoos: She had a model make branded on her back

Scars/distinguishing marks: Feet are all cut and scared from her escaping her original owner, her hands are also in fairly bad condition but are much better than her feet.

Preferred style of clothing: Loose and flowing, tight fitted stuff isn't her style. 

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: She wears a mask to hide her facial expression and eyes, since humans apparently don't like the look of it, but her mask isn't much better and people are often creeped out by the smile it always wears. 


Smoker? No

Drinker? No

Recreational Drug User? Which?  No

Addictions: None

Allergies: None

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Unless having her emotions locked up and almost always locked into crippling sadness/ fear then no shes okay 

Any medication regularly taken: Nope


Personality: Her personality is ever changing due to the fact she needs to delete information to keep herself sane. For the most part she is a perfectly mellow individual who wants the best for others and will do her best to help, even if her help makes it worse in the end. Due to the fact she constantly needs to delete information to stay sane she is almost always in a constant childlike state of wonder at the world around her, its like everythig is new and she is experiencing it for the first time.

 If she gets overloaded with information she stops acting in a rational way and is not really in control of what she does. it ranges from angry outbursts, to hurting herself, to hurting others and in the worst cases the death of others or maybe herself. However she is careful with information processing and its fairly rare she gets that far. 

Likes: They are always changing but she is really fond of caterpillars, birds, cakes, nature in general, hugs and fluffy blankets. 

Dislikes: The fact that there is things she cant remember but sometimes catches a gimps of the memory before it disappears again. This new thing thats been happening where she can almost see through another persons eyes, but she isnt sure who it is or where they are but they seem to be calling to her for help. People who hurt others who are weaker than them. Her limited memory capabilities. 

Fears/phobias: Her memory continuing to decrease and eventually ceasing to exist. Never finding a place to belong to. Her old master coming back for her. 

Favourite colour: Yellow

Hobbies: She likes collecting pictures so she can see things she had done when the memory is no longer with her. She keeps them all in a journal she takes everywhere with her. Odd objects and trinkets seem to call to her and she finds herself desperately wanting them even tho she has no clue why. She loves animals but they don't seem to like her back, but that wont stop her hugging a cat while it tries to claw her eyes out.

Taste in music: Anything she can get her hands on


Talents/skills: She can read v e r y  quickly, and absorb all that information which makes her good at something in a matter of mins. however because of her memory she cant do this much without deleting a lot of information already there. She has a way of making people like her, even when they start of hating her she somehow manages to grow on them. 

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Give her a manual on how to drive and 5 mins and you will have a master driver in no time. 


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful/ neutral 

Fighting skills/techniques: Mainly running away, but she is resourceful in avoiding capture. She was never built to be a fighter and she knows it, instead relying on her thinking abilities to get her out of situations. 

Special skills/magical powers/etc: She has very mild telepathic abilities, they mainly work around her all the time that's why she her hair and the rest of her outfit floats. She can control others for a very short amount of time but she doesn't like doing it feeling its wrong. instead she might use it to speak to others since sometimes she finds communicating verbally too hard. 

Weapon of choice (if any): None really, just whatever is handy


Creators name:  Norville White 

Are parents alive or dead? Alive but thought dead by MAI

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Noooooooo

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Only different marks of her who are basically clones rather than siblings.

Other Important Relatives: None

Best Friend: None yet

Other Important Friends: None yet


Pets: None

Enemies? Norville and his whole Idea


MAI was originally created to be the friend to people struggling in life or dying, someone to be a friend to them when nobody else would. The designs that came before her lacked the spark that made them feel genuine and as such were scrapped, but when Mai was created she felt all the emotions a human did and she was Norville's greatest creation. Her job was tough, she saw many people die and she took it badly every time thinking she wasn't good enough to save them. Norville noticed and thought maybe he had created something too human like to do the job and planned to mess with her wiring to dull the emotions. Mai caught wind of this while playing with some sick kids in a hospital and it was the first time she realised she wasn't a human and that she had been created. She took it badly but wanted to believe it was the right thing to do letting it happen, but afterwards she didnt feel right, she found herself not caring about the people around her as much anymore, she felt cold and empty. It was then that Norville decided to scrap her mark entirely and start again, why work with a broken machine when he can take the parts that work and make them better. She had given up but during her being dismantled something snapped in her, she tore herself free from his grasp and kicked and punched her way up the stairs in an attempt to get outside. However the front door was locked and she had to resort to running further upstairs to avoid the now enraged Norville. On her way she accidentally knocked a log out of the burning fire place and the rug set ablaze quickly taking hold and reaching for the walls. She ran upstairs and hid in the attic, covering behind the dusty boxes as the smoke filled the room. Norville barged in clearly deciding he couldn't win against the flames, all he needed was Mai, he needed to take his master piece out of there so he could take what makes her great and start again. He tried tricking her out and being trusting she slowly emerged from behind the boxes. the fire roaring around them by now. seeing her Norville lunged at her and she ran to the far back trapped against a stained glass window and him. As he was almost on top of her the ceiling caved in burring them both. She clawed and dragged her way out burning her feet and hands in the process. Reaching the top once more she desperately looked around for an escape, there was no Norville ether but the only possible escape was the window. Deciding to take her chances she threw herself at it and it shattered sending her plummeting towards the ground. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was how pretty the glass looked as it swirled around her, the light from the fire glinting off them.

She awoke in a place she didn't recognise with nothing but some food, money and a note. her injuries taken care off and some advice for the road. She didn't remember much of anything including who she truly was. Her only emotion was a sense of crippling doom and sadness, like a thunder cloud loomed over her. Slowly she made her way out into the world to start her new life. She quickly learned that she forgets stuff and that too much information was bad, she also realised that the humans dont like her face, so she made a mask to hide herself and hopefully make the humans happier. Now she wanders the earth in search of something, but she isnt quite sure what, perhaps its a sense of belonging or maybe its something else...