Kraven Eintell



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Kraven Eintell

Race: Draco

Gender: Male

Starting Age: Appears 20 (Actual age 200)

Height/Weight: 152.4 cm [5'] | 68 kg [150 lbs]

Element: Wind

Job: Custodian

Rank: Novice

Dragon Fury: (Quandou) - An heirloom he acquired from his family upon becoming a knight. It is very precious to him

Tessen Fan - He became fascinated with fan dancing at a young age and decided  to combine his love for that with his love for fighting

1. Wind Song - The blade of his Quandou glows a pale purple color. When swung it emits a strong blast of air that can slice through flesh. Leaving a lengthy
                       but shallow cut. However, it will take a greater deal of power to use the attack to slice more deeply. A power level that Kraven finds difficult to reach.
                       USAGE TIME: 3 Blasts | 5-minute Cooldown
2. Wind Dance - He activates a locking mechanism on his Tessen fan, keeping it open and throws it. The fan sales through the air slicing at anything.
                        Very ideal for cutting ropes and such at a distance or small surprise attacks but not for dealing with any real or fatal damage to an enemy.
                        USAGE TIME: 5 minutes Lock/throw

Companion: None Yet


  • His fathers journal on battle strategy 
  • Blade Sharpening kit


  • Determined
  • Stubborn
  • Anxious
  • Loyal
  • Awkward

O. Sparing
O. Fan Dancing
O. Cucumber Sandwiches
X. Humidity
X. Insects
X. Boredom

Story: A bit of a spitfire and a big wild card, Kraven had always wanted to become a knight or fighter of some kind. he always admired worriers in the stories of old and wished whole heartily to be one when he grew up. Even though his mother wished for him to take up something far safer like the fan dancing he was also fond of. However, a fire was lit inside him from early on when he was picked on for his short stature and thin frame by the other children in the village. This motivated him to practice fighting alongside his dancing and eventually lead to him saving a friend's pet from a burning tree. Finally seeing the potential her son had, his mother finally gave him the encouragement Kraven had longed for and even gifted him his deceased father's strategy journal. With this, he trained hard. Executing a variety of fighting styles and weapon handling for years until he felt he was finally ready to try out for an officer position in his village. Once he was excepted his mother gifted him his fathers Quandou and a tessen fan she had made special for him. Kraven vowed to never disappoint her and went on to become a very decorated officer, taking his position very seriously.

This went on for a long time, with little to no real trouble. Of course, Kraven became rather bored and began looking for any sort of odd job that would allow him more "action" in his humdrum of life. It wasn't long before he began venturing away from his village to acquire such adventures and ended up stumbling across the protectors. He lept at the chance to join, becoming a knight. A warrior he was sure was worthy of his father's memory.

(More will be added as the character developed)

NOTE: He hardly ever uses his wings! He hates flying and he isn't very good at it. Not to mention he can't always keep the wings summoned. So You will almost never see them.