ufo($15)'s Comments

anyone in my TH? sonas are off limits! <3

I sadly didn't see anyone but Moth 😭 id take 10 usd tho!

Sadly I’m not able to do usd! But tysm for the offer!

I absolutely adore this kid, I used to own them but I had to let them go and I'm wondering if I could offer some stuff to get them back?

I could offer art! As much as you'd like lol, I really want them back
You can also take a look in my profile! I have a lot of characters I could trade for them too, the only ones off limits are the ones that have the tag "no"

thanks so much!!

I would be willing to accept art for them! I've had a couple art trades fall through so im a little wary, whats your TaT? :)) and how much would you be comfy doing? I like your most recent sketch fullbody example style so much!!

Oh awesome!! And that's understandable dw, i've had a couple fall through too, if you wanna have a more direct way of talking to me you can also check my insta or my twitter!!
they're here My carrd 

I could offer a couple fullbodies (around 3 maybe?) if you'd like!! If not lmk and i can offer other stuff too!!

Hihi!! I'm sorry for bugging, i was just wondering if you still were interested!

Yeah! O had pmed you on twitter im vv sorry! 💛💛

i can do 2 headshots for them!! ( insta crispycolb )

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I'm very very hesitant to let this kid go, but, could I see examples perhaps?

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Oh it's okay haha
You can just link to to an account or something n.n

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Ooo very nice art! Would you like to talk this though instagram and see if we get to a deal?
Mine is instagram.com/_Laniakkea_

4 Replies