


4 years, 9 months ago



Name Soleani
Lived 3E 399 - 4E 12
Game TESIII: Morrowind
House Hlaalu
Gender Female
Race Dunmer
Province Morrowind
Religion Agnostic?

"I have found it invaluable to never cease coveting. It is imperative that you always desire something, no matter what it is: this is what gives a person impetus to improve their standing. I enjoy fine art and architecture, and covet these things. I enjoy alchemical ingredients and magical knowledge, and covet these things. It has become apparent to me that the means to manipulate reality itself are hidden behind a mere price tag; it is shocking to me how rarely this is taken advantage of."


  • Fine art
  • Alchemy
  • Magic
  • Money


  • People with dissimilar tastes
  • Mess
  • Criticism
  • Nightmares

//I can't really decide if I want Soleani to be my Nerevarine or not. I'm playing with the idea that she may have been a false Nerevarine, or that she may have helped my Nerevarine on their journey. As of yet, I haven't decided.


The year is 3E 424. Why don’t you introduce yourself for us?

Thank you again for having me. My name is Soleani. I am a high-ranking philanthropist and sorcerer of House Hlaalu. I was born into a small merchant family; as I aged, I made my own fortune through alchemy and mercenary activities.

Tell us the secret to your success.

I have found it invaluable to never cease coveting. It is imperative that you always desire something, no matter what it is; this is what gives a person impetus to improve their standing. I enjoy fine art and architecture, and covet these things. I enjoy alchemical ingredients and magical knowledge, and covet these things. It has become apparent to me that the means to manipulate reality itself are hidden behind a mere price tag; it is shocking to me how rarely this is taken advantage of.

Tell us how you got into alchemy.

As I matured, I understood that I wanted to have a large amount of influence on society. The easiest way to obtain influence, especially in House Hlaalu, is through money; thus I pursued money whenever possible. Alchemy in particular appealed to me as a means of profit. The initial investment cost is rather high, but it quickly paid for itself. [...] Did you know? I wanted, at one point, to be an art dealer. However, I found that alchemy was its own form of art; one develops a form of intuition for a potion’s constituents and means of preparation that feels very much like painting or sculpting. It is a logical and delicate process to isolate a poison from a mixture; one chips away at its essence, carving out the corners and the edges like so much marble from a bust of Almalexia. In the end the potions are simply sold and consumed, but I do quite appreciate the compensation I am given for them.

Is this similar to why you like sorcery?

Alchemy was a gateway to magic for me. In practice, sorcery utilizes a similar blend of logic and intuition, but my enjoyment of it differs slightly. Alchemy is an indirect science. Magic is not. Where an alchemical effect can only be applied through ingestion, all I need to cast a spell are my hands and my lips. And, while a potion may have the same end result as a spell, there is something entrancing in pulling the strings of reality myself. Right now, I could reach into the fabric of the world and pull out a flame where there wasn’t one before; I could find the threads that make up your eyes and pull your vision apart. Of course I do not do these things, because I am civilized; but the mere possibility is amazing, is it not?

What are your thoughts on the Empire?

I find that they are more than willing to work towards deals that benefit all parties involved. Their practices, on the surface, are quite different from the traditional practices of Resdayn, but I believe they are more similar than they appear. I look forward to our continued cooperation.

What are your thoughts on the Three?

[Lying answer] Their protection of Morrowind is invaluable. I most often seek out the blessings of Seht, but I love all three.

[Real answer] In my studies I have read much of godhood. I have read, for example, that the Dwemer believed all gods to be simply very powerful humans, humans whose power could be matched if the reader simply knew their secrets. I have read the Sermons, and there are, indeed, various passages that lend themselves to this idea. In Vehk’s holy works themselves! I believe that I - as could any person, naturally - could become a god, and the only thing I lack is the means. I believe that the Three found these means, many many years ago. I do not know how much of the Sermons I believe, as many things are shrouded in shadow, but I do believe I should not dig any farther than I have. I believe that the Three are legitimate gods, but I wish I knew how and why.

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