
Gender: Male

Age: 20s(?)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark Hazel

Tail Color: Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Hypnotizing half-humans, his farm

Hates: Tresspassers, invaders

    Caleb is a magic-user satyr, who lives in a remote forest that surrounds a grassy plain... where his victims-er, volenteers appear in before meeting him. He hypotizes them to act like animals so he can still run his farm happily. He's not the strongest fighter but he is a master at hypnotism. How he gets people here is by manipulating either spells or their transportation. No one has caught him yet and some suspect that he may not even be in this dimension.

    He's a trickster, often playing games with new arrivals for the love of it, before hypnotizing them of course. He wins in bets easily thanks to some trick under his tunick. It's the only piece of clothing he has since he finds regular ones more annoying.