


4 years, 8 months ago


name: Alma

age: 19

gender: nonbinary

sexuality: lesbian

pronouns: they/she/he

personality: Alma is very protective and caring person to those they consider family. and compared to their younger self they are now more approachable and light-hearted, so it's easy to become friends with them in a single conversation. they are also very creative! they have a passion for music in general but they mostly enjoy singing and can play almost any instrument (if they put their mind to it)
they still have a few quirks here and there like their sarcastic tone they like to use when they feel like teasing, but overall they are very chill and are fun to be around.

backstory: Alma became an orphan at a very young age, no one knows what truly happened to their parents all they knew was that they were alone. they became a troubled kid that no one really wanted to deal with... until a human couple took them in as one of their own, it was hard at first because they were so used to being alone that they didn't really know how to feel around others. but eventually they warmed up and accepted them as their family. Alma stopped lashing out at the world and became happy for the first time in a long time.

fur: two-piece (common)
ears: cupid (uncommon)
horns: fang (common)
tail: noodle (common)
tip: luna (common)
