Skål Gård



4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info






Skål is a mighty warrior fighting with two axes, not afraid to take up any job that pays well. 

Although she is a woman, people often confuse her with a man because of her appearance and neutral-sounding name. She has absolutely no problem with it and never corrects others - in fact, she prefers to pass as a man. The way she speaks is also neutral, never hints at her gender and speaks rather formally. Anyone trying to make her angry by making fun of her manliness or lack of femininity will fail miserably; she learned to ignore it, or even turn the joke around. 

Skål's body is fit; she is quite tall and has wide shoulders but slim waist. Her arms and legs are muscular, torso toned but not overly buff. Absolutely flat-chested, which she tries to makes even flatter.

Her biggest passion is travelling and storytelling, Skål would love to be remembered for centuries for her discoveries. She wants to go beyond her land, travel through the seas and oceans nobody has ever crossed, and come back with stories and treasures. She has travelled a lot through her continent and knows many languages found across this land, as well as dialects and slangs. 

Travelling aside, she is very attached to her family; mother, father, and a younger brother. She was raised in a village between mountains and near a great lake, on a farm with a lot of animals. When she was but a wee lad, her father had to go to war and spent there ten years, which were very hard for the family. Because of his absence, they often struggled to make ends meet, which is precisely why Skål began working as a mercenary, starting from small jobs and only later progressing to proper axe-swinging. She would guide people across the mountains, help building houses, hunt, guard. 

The scar on her chin is from riding a sheep as a child. The big one on her head is a bear paw scar; she barely made it out alive. And as for her nose, it was broken when she stood up for a young girl harassed by a group of men. She got beat up pretty badly that night, was found a day later in the woods by a family travelling from the city to their village. They helped her out and in return she worked on their farm until she was good enough to go (and decided her debt was paif off at least a bit).