Travis Hudson



4 years, 9 months ago


(Warning: some curse words, illegal stuff, and minor mentions of parental transphobia)

Just a blurb of his idea while I’m in the process of finishing his bio: 

Name: Travis Hudson 

Age: Late 20s (in present time)

Personality: Basically a complete ass to anyone new he meets, Travis is very much a “f*ck society’s expectations” kinda guy. A tough and aggressive bastard, paired with stubborn durability and an almost awe-inspiring ability to get back up on his feet—not letting anything or anyone get to him. Despite Travis’s off-putting appearance and personality, though, he would drop everything for his little brother Dan. And for how unreliable he usually seems, he'd do anything for the people he cares about most in this world.

A bit of backstory: Travis was always a troublesome kid, even when he was younger. Growing up in a small town, he didn’t really care about school or his parents, just his friends, his drugs, and watching out for his younger sibling. He skipped classes and detentions all the time, got held-back more than once, and was eventually kicked out of highschool in senior year—when one of the teachers caught him selling weed and alcohol to the freshman. By that time, he had already moved out of the house and taken on a dozen or so part-time jobs to cover the roadside motel costs. Even then, his younger sibling still kept in contact, coming over nearly every day after school to talk, relieve stress, and not let Travis push himself entirely out of his sibling’s life. No, that was entirely out of the question, especially since Travis saved his younger sibling’s life and, soon after he was expelled, Travis was the first one that Daniel came out to. Travis had already known of the literal ghosts that haunted Dan and tormented him at every waking moment. Compared to that, his brother was certainly a much lesser surprise.

The two boys shared a rare promise that day the truth came out. When Dan graduated highschool, Travis rescued his brother a second time, soon after shit hit the fan back with their parents. 

With a lot of grit, elbow grease, and a little shady business here and there, the two brothers managed to scrounge together enough money to send Dan to college for a couple of years, and Travis finally figured out how to make monetary use of that spray-painting hobby of his. Now Travis is finally getting some real legit cash in the bank, and knowing his brother’s friends, doesn’t have to worry so much about protecting his little brother 24/7 anymore. Though, that sure as hell won’t stop Travis from saving Dan whenever he needs or asks for help.

Currently, he works as a tattoo artist, doing spray-paint art as a street hobby for side cash.