


4 years, 8 months ago



Name Dorian Dua
Age 21
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Sprinkle Kitty
Role Student & Claude’s Runner (reluctant job)
Value $200 w/o Extras


Personality: + Amicable, + Eager to Help, + Pure | = Trusting, = Somewhat Materialistic, = Not very nosy | - Oblivious, - Easily Manipulated, - Not the sharpest tool in the shed despite his spike appearance

Dorian is the type of kitty who tends to be judged before he could even open his mouth. Just from his smell alone, it’s usually enough to keep people at bay, let alone his rough spikey looks. However, look past the spikes and pinch your nose and you’ll find yourself meeting a very sweet and amicable kitty who just wants to make friends. Not everyone is immediately put off by his smell and looks though. Some people find him attractive, and some people don’t, but most that gets to know him will love him.

He lives in the slums, paying the minimum for an apartment. It’s small, creaky, and the walls are thin, but he keeps it clean and it can hold all of his design brand merchandise and fashion. From the looks of it on the outside and the smell drifting out, no one would even think of robbing him which I suppose is for the best.

To afford his luxurious tastes and pay his commukitty college tuition, Dorian “helps out” at Claude’s clinic, at first just playing receptionist and messenger before slowly becoming a runner for Claude’s cane sugar business. He likes the “good” doctor and trusts him immensely so for a while Dorian was oblivious to what Claude was having him do. That is until one day when a customer went a little too feral. Conflicted, Dorian confronted Claude with the issue and Claude was quick to let Dorian know he’s either in or out. With his ongoing struggles to find a legit job due to his scent and rowdy appearance, Dorian has no choice other than to reluctantly keep at it. However, Claude treats him well and Dorian finds it hard to feel negative towards the doctor. Of course this is all kept a secret from his best friend Brook, and his sister La

Food Durian
Rarity Uncommon
Weapon Knife
Relationship Status Single
Likes Making friends, being praised by Claude, Durian smoothies, custard, luxury brand goods, video games
Dislikes Being judged, being mistaken for jackfruit, his natural bo (cant seem to get rid of jt), getting his shoes dirty ):

Fun Facts:

  • Traumatized by ppl’s attitude towards his smell, Dorian sometimes tries to mask it under other scents
  • Met Claude bc he was trying to see if Claude could help him suppress the BO
  • Often gets asked if he’s supposed to be jackfruit. No, he isn’t.
  • While his scent repel people, a fair amount of other kitties find his scent appealing. It’s a love or hate thing.
  • Tends to run into Specs when doing jobs for Claude. Does not like Specs and Specs is not too fond of him either
  • Dorian don’t want people to judge him anymore than they already do, so he’s actually quite clean and neat despite how he smells
  • Likes to play video games. Readily has multiplayer games in case he makes friends.
  • Has a rough yankee accent when speaking, but it’s just something he picked up living in the slums
  • Not the smartest street kitty, but he’s doing his best!
  • Eats oranges with the peel on

"I have Nyario Kart, do you want to play with me?"
