Yolandi (old profile)



2 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info
Name Yolandi
Nickname Yolli
Age 2705 Years
Birthday December
Height 2,00 m
Gender Intersex
Species Aru
Orientation Bi
Occupation Singer and Dancer
Pronounce They/Them/She/Her
Worth $$$
  • Cute Underwear
  • Marshmallows
  • Pink
  • Electro Swing
  • Rock music
  • Underwear
  • Dirt
  • Green
  • Kevin
  • Classic Music
  • She is only horny with people she really nows and she has a deep romantic bond with.
  • Yolandi is ashamed of her body and hates it.
  • She enjoys being snuggled in her blanket on the couch and watch movies.
  • She is actually very submissive and likes when somebody takes control. She wants to be taken care of.
Adjective . Adjective . Adjective . Adjective

Yolandi pops out of a crowd with her fur and worked occasional as a singer in a bar before she was found by the Lord of her district. She went with him to be a perosnal singer and dancer on his cruiser and really enjoys it. She made friends with a lot of the crew members and is loved by most of them because of her friendlyness and her will to help.

Yolandi identifies mostly as a female but she accepts all pronouns and genders people refer to her.


Yolandi grew up on the countryside of the land and was always picked on because of her unanntural color. The doctors said it is possible to happen and that mutations are nothing to fear but her parents always cared for her too much. Everytime Yolandi got close with somebody they always got put off by her intersex "condition". Yolandi learned to not get involved in intimate moments with strangers or other persons. With the help of friends she occasionally worked as a singer in a bar before the Lord of the district took an interest. He hired her to be a perosnal singer and dancer on his cruiser and assured her that she doesn't need to be involved in intimate situations. Yolandi trusted him and took the job opportunity and he was right. The guards immidiatly seemed to be friends with her and if they noticed something off they would always be at her side.

Espescially with one soldier Yolandi got close and she feared she would scare him away too. Instead Vance Prime didn't care and both kept their love for each other a secret until it was clear that Vance was in reality working for the resitance. When the planet blew up after Helia destroyed it Vance was taken prison with all the other resitanc members that hid along the guards and guests on the cruiser. From than on Vance ignored Yolandi and pretendet to not like her which hurt her.