


4 years, 8 months ago


Nickname(s): Micha (Misha)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 6'1"

Personality: Perpetually sleep deprived and with an awful (dark) sense of humor, he's not exactly a nice person. Rather abrasive, short tempered, and too prideful for his own good, Micha's not adapting to human life too well and would have long become a NEET if not for the fact that no one is supporting him and he has an addiction to collecting techwear. Extremely stubborn and eschewing all logic and reason from when he was worshiped as the Sun, he's now someone who handles his stresses via vices from drinking to gambling, and he's a real dirty cheat at it too. At his core, however, he has some genuinely nice traits that have been eclipsed by hedonistic nihilism. He can be protective of those he loves and occasionally he shows glimpses of being an incredibly thoughtful individual-- it's just too bad he doesn't let anyone in that far.

Oh, and he's super petty. Don't expect him to lose a competition with any measure of grace.

Deity/Mortal? If Deity, which?: Deity ::: Apollo

Memories as a God: Y


[Night Light]

Pretty much what it sounds like. This skill only really works on other deities but he can vary how much he glows like an annoying night light. It's independent of his halo but mortals also can't see his light.

Those who bask in his light, however, recover from injuries a bit more quickly than without it. It has very light reminiscent traces of his former healing powers.

[Cheat Shot]

Called what it is because he uses this for mundane things like winning gold in archery tournaments or to throw clean dishes back into their holders. It lets him have higher accuracy in throwing/tossing/projectile use than most mortals.

Not infallible; occasionally he does break dishes.


When riled up he can accidentally burn things he touches-- mostly himself. While he may not be able to conjure real fire or the full radiance of the sun, he does have the ability to heat things up uncomfortably.

Part-time Job: Sponsored athlete (Archery, 1 or 2 months a year), trashy fanfic writer, but mainly works graveyard shift at Dennys

RP?: Y

HC?: Y