Frankie Landon



4 years, 9 months ago


Personal Information

Name :Francine "Frankie / Fran" Landon
Age :22
Pronouns :She / they ( Transfem , HRT ~a year )
Sexuality :Unsure
Aprox. Height :Above average height
Species :Lykoi cat
Birthday :August 27th
Occupation :Waitress at a local diner

General Info and Trivia

  • Mostly tough exterior ( especially pre-transition ) but is a bit of a softie in certain conditions
  • Works as a waitress at a diner , would rather work at some little record / music store or alt fashion shop
  • Drives her little minivan with the gurls
  • Big music nerd, plays a bit of electric guitar and has a quite varied taste ( and collection )
  • Deepish voice , a bit monotone ( speaks in a softer tone on the job )
  • Relatives are a bit southern but she only has a little accent, though occasionally more slips out and she gets embarrassed 
  • Wears a mix of masc and fem clothes 
  • Rocks the facial hair every now and again
  • Originally got Jackie into smoking a few years ago , but they both ended up quitting together as Frankie transitioned
  • Name a body part and she probably has it pierced ( or has at one point ) ears, naval, tongue, etc.
  • Gets makeup done by Jackie or sometimes PJ
  • Occasionally cooks really amateur meals ( with help from PJ )