


4 years, 9 months ago



Adventurous . Cool . Smart

Gender Cis Female
Age 14
Sign Taurus
Height 150cm
Build Small
Race Bat-Eared Fox
Role Full Time Student
Orient. Questioning
Theme Feb. 14

"Oh, C'mon, Adair! Tell me more!"

Tough little street rat, decisive and smart. Doesn't study hard but still gets great grades. She tends to ask a lot of questions, and come up with useless answers to those asked by others. Doesn't get angry easily, very chill. 

Jámie is 14, and already knows where she wants to go with life. She's an extremely talented skater, who, with enough training, could even enter the competitive field. If she cared enough. What Jamie wants to be is an astronaut, and with the grades she's getting, she's certainly capable. 

Whilst researching the famous Astronauts who went into deep space, Jamie came across a certain name; Dane Creswell. She then ended up organising to meet him in real life...except there were some issues. Like the fact that he was about 10 years dead by the time she came to talk to him. But there was one more link: Dane's working partner, a woman named Adair. 

 But when she met Adair, she didn't quite find the confident, inspiring woman she desired. Instead, she found a washed-up nihilistic nobody living in the trailer park.

So now, she's trying to get Adair to speak, but getting that old hag to speak is turning out to be harder than it looks. 

HTML by lowkeywicked