Jonathan Lim



7 years, 9 months ago


Jonathan Lim 

Other known aliases:  

  • James Kingsley
  • 林 健宏 (Lim Jianhong)

Gender: MALE

Age: Early to mid 30's

Height/Weight: 5'10", 140'lbs

Body Type: Fit.

Line of Work: 

- Business Architect at P.A.L.A.D.I.N/Undercover Field Agent for P.A.L.A.D.I.N

- Lancelot of the Kingsman Secret Service.

Relationship Status: TAKEN ♥ Graham Allard

Chiggalationship Status: Yes ♥

[General Lore]

Born and raised in London, John grew up as a happy and quite spoiled little boy. With a father working as a high end "tailor" and mother an heiress to a wealthy family, Jonathan had a very luxurious and comfortable childhood. It wasn't until the untimely death of his father, James Kingsley (who had actually worked as a gentleman spy), when John's life took a turn and grew up the man he is today. After the loss of her husband, Johns mother, Jane, was forced to return to China with him where he would grow up learning martial arts and learning about his mothers family.


[P.A.L.A.D.I.N Lore]

[Kingsman Lore]