
7 years, 9 months ago


She's in the popular group of her school but she's not the leader type. She's that really friendly type who's really crafty and bright. She has very good grades and takes a few extracurriculars and honor classes and skip classes but she's not extremely superbly academically achieved. She's physically strong enough to avoid any trouble but her physical strength is not worthy of any mention. She really isn't that shy but is really tsundere on people she has a romantic interest in. She's a really big dreamer. Super ambitious. She has this really sketchy under-over-under confident layered personality. She takes interest in really strange forms of art like fingernail art, hand art, bookmark making, and margin art. She can make seriously freaking amazing quotes but has no talent in writing whatsoever. She sings lots of genres and lots of tones and stuff. She's a pretty great singer but she hides it from her friends because there are lots of wannabe nub singers. She also likes butterflies and apples.


They used to be really poor. Her mother was abducted and eventually used as a suicide bomber and was blown up when she was 5. Her father was emotionally wrecked because he couldn’t even pay for a gravestone. He eventually met a middle class man and became partners in a business that exploded (for the good). She’s been living at a boarding school for 8 years but her dad sends her a lot of money for allowance to keep a rep so she wears nice clothes and makes nice things. But her dad’s friend’s son is her age and they go to the same boarding school but they dislike each other because of previous encounters. The family friend is far richer and gets in her way but she doesn’t really do anything about it. But the family friend is tied to delinquents who keep screwing with her room and her black wandering cat. Stuff goes missing all the time - books, clothes, money, cat food, expensive gifts, her bag - but they usually come back completely destroyed and nasty. She lives well but gets horrible nightmares, so she sleeps possibly 2 hours a day. She’s got lots of cleaning to do anyway.



Age 17

Gender Female

Sexuality Pansexual

Height 5’6”