Knox (and Talon)



4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Knox and Talon






Skeleton Monster(Knox) and Fiend from Fiendtale




5 feet 4 inches


August 29th, 1998

Relationship Status

Taken/Married to Xar Gotisch (Created by LachyStar)


His Husband and Son - Talon - Coffee and Biscotti - Education and information - Writing/typing things out - Being a Fiend Tamer - Being a Technical Royal Guard - Info on the multiverse - Getting Tattoos - The King and Queen (Asgore and Toriel) - Sharp knives


People who try to challenge him in his AU - Undyne’s Teasing - Having to deal with Illegal fiend fights or races. - Killing - His Soul connection with Talon

Personality (Knox)

is a Guy who can be a great friend, and a great enemy. It's probably not a good idea to get on his bad side. - He can adapt rather easily and strategize around others. - Change is hard for him at times depending on the situation. - He's rather well rounded in both brains and brawn. - Very thorough in making sure all information and documents are organized, so much so that a physical space can become and organized mess! - He tends to have a cold demeanor towards those who threaten or challenge him or his family/friends. - He can become very cocky and arrogant about the things he knows and all the information he has, sometimes he needs to be pushed back a step. - He probably takes things too seriously most of the time.

Personality (Talon)

He is not kind to strangers, and will growl and possibly bite if provoked. - It takes him a while to get used to having someone around. - He's very closed off. - He can become extremely aggressive. - He can be very Selfish. As in he will eat all your food when your not looking.


N/A at the moment

Important Info

Knox is a professional Fiend Tamer. - Both Talon and Knox have a Soul connection so deep that if they are too far away from each other, it can cause harm. The harm worsens the further they go if they get to said point of harm. - If one gets hurt, the other gets damaged as well. 9 times out of 10, Knox is caused more damage no matter which is harmed. This means Knox can dust faster than Talon, granted a severed connection would cause one or the other to slowly lose HP until dusting.


FiendTale Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr

The Queen and King of the underground, very close with Knox and making sure he takes care of himself and to not overwork himself. Relies and trusts Knox to keep them safe and keep eyes/tabs on monsters and crime.

FiendTale Undyne

Head of the Royal Guard, good friends with Knox, both of them work together often to protect Monsters, but also bring down crime rate and keep tabs.

FiendTale Alphys

The current Royal Scientist, Doesn't talk to Knox often due to being more closed off, but they do share information every so often to keep things going and to help with her studies for the underground.

Xar Gotisch

Knox’s Husband and other Parent to their Child, Neptune. Knox appreciates his presence in his life and brings more joy to it.

Neptune Gotisch

Xar and Knox’s Son. Knox dearly loves him, which means you might get hurt if you dare even threaten him. Knox can be very territorial over his family, and will only relax on that part around Xar’s family, close friends, and Talon.