[Homestuck Fankid] Erin Brucey



4 years, 9 months ago


Erin Brucey

Main Info
Knight of Space
born: October 14th, 199?
Screen Name
Strife Specibi
Fetch Modus
Jump Scare
Land of ____ and Frogs
You're into SUPERSTITIONS, BLACK CATS, and VOODOO DOLLS as well as a variety of other INTERESTS. You have a passion for COOKING it helps you to RELAX. You have a fondness for TERRIBLE HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS, and sometimes dabble in WITCHCRAFT. You're also fascinated by the PARANORMAL and its many facets, and if enough friends get involved you'll sit down and enjoy a VIDEO GAME.
Lorem ipsum

β€œThe universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”
― Carl Sagan, Contact

Erin Brucey An indecisive gal who just wants life to be magical.


A girl who apparently can't decide if she wants to look like a girl or not. Odd partially shaved blonde hair, black rectangular glasses, tall, too much 'meat' on those bones. And an affinity for a color that she is too pale to be trying to wear. Does she have no sense of style and color? Jegus.


Having no control in any of the things she does in her life, thanks to her over protective guardian, she tends to find solace in things that don't actually exist: like witches, talking black cats, cryptids, etc; and can't tell her what to do with herself. She enjoys cooking in the same aspect of freedom and HATES recipes that are trying to tell her how to make things tasty. Unfortunately this lack of control over things has caused her to try to be a little too controlling with her friends. It is unintentional but a mask she hides behind to not show how weak she really is and how capable she is on her own.

Home Life

She lives with her dad in a rather large house on a beach front property. He works with solar power, frequently cooks on the grill, and has an odd affinity for Native American/Western things. He almost does nothing but work, and in the small gaps where he isn't working he's at the grill. She's pretty sure she's never seen him sleep. The lack of attention/affection from her guardian has caused her to feel lonely. He only tries to fix this by buying her unnecessary expensive things. Also she finds his obsession with Native Americans odd because she's almost certain that there lies none of it in their blood.



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Unique Abilities

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Wikia v2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
― Source

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Wikia v2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.


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