


4 years, 9 months ago


Name Eleonorah
Nicknames Norah
Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Age 19
Birthday December 22nd
Zodiac sign Sagittarius
Species Pegasus
Orientation Asexual, aromantic
Relationship stat Single
Occupation None
< always gloomy
doesn't express any emotions
not talkative, talks only when needed
honest, without a filter, says whatever's on her mind
timid, wary, careful

  • warm drinks
  • knitting
  • rainy and windy weather
  • fluffy things (blankest, plushes, etc.)
  • flowers
  • dogs and birds
  • incense sticks/scented candles
  • cats
  • sweets and chocolate
  • loud and sudden noises
  • sharp things
  • being around others/big crowds
  • alicorns
  • insects


She had a pretty decent life. Being blind made it a bit troubling, but she always had Starlit Abyss at her side keeping her company and helping her. They were inseparable. He was always so nice and helpful, caring and charming. They started dating at the age of 15. Starlit became an alicorn shortly after and his whole persona took a 180 degree turn. He became a dick, he got very abusive, both verbally and physically, towards her. She stayed with him thinking it was temporary due to new duties related to just becoming a prince, but she was wrong. When she realized, she ditched him immediately, their relationship ended with a big, physical fight. They've been together for 1 and a half years. He cursed her bruises so they will never fully heal and they will most likely stay with her forever. She moved to a different town to get as far away from him as possible. Found herself a nice, small cottage near a quiet forest. One day when she went out for a walk she got accosted by a young boy, who introduced himself as Enoki. He got really excited when he was her, because she was the first pony he ever saw with ears similar to his. She found him amusing, so decided to spend some time with him and when it got late, she walked him home. She got invited over for tea by his father - Belweder.


She visits Belweder's tea shop pretty often. She met her best friend - Chamomile Tea-there. The three of them became her new family, even though she can't express it, she loves the dearly.


Design Notes
  • Blind
  • Long ears
  • Lots of bruises
  • Never expresses emotion/always pokerfaced
  • Have been blind since birth, sees things like through a mist. She's also colorblind - "sees" everything in black and white.
  • She never was able to show and express her emotions correctly, always look emotionless - has alexithymia.
  • She has a lot of free time due to not being employed anywhere, but she often takes part time jobs like babysitting, walking dogs or cleaning.
  • She learned sewing from her grandma. Thanks to her, it became her major "hobby".
code by jiko