Dranus Thuban



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Dranus Thuban [Symbol]

Age: 6.92 sweeps / 15 years

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Lusus: Water/Sea Dragon (Leviathan?)

Blood Color: Violet

Abilities: Long lifespan, very strong physically. Highblood rage.

Classpect: Rogue of Rage

Trollian Handle: timorousDeception

Planet: Land of Soil and Fury

Strife Specibi: Slingshot

Sylladex Modus: Complicated Trivia

Quirk: He writes with perfect grammar. Prone to using a ")" instead of the letter "J". 

Personality: Dranus' personality is an oddity in comparison to most violet-blooded trolls. Unlike the normal posturing and aggressive dominance that tends to be thrown around with highbloods, Dranus is consumed with anxiety and paranoia. He's got a quick temper born out of fight or flight and, more often than not, tries to come across overly aggressive when speaking with another troll. He dresses in clothes that don't suit him, a strange mesh of leather and spikes like the bizarre love child of a goth biker and a punk. In reality, it's all a bluff, a last desperate bid to come across strong and threatening as a means to protect himself.
In truth, Dranus is a mild-mannered troll prone to excessive organization down to the last meticulously placed strand of hair on his head. He's neat and everything has a place in his hive (or on his person when he's wearing clothes more suited to his personal style). Dranus' interests lay in reading, writing, and gardening. In his spare time, he enjoys collecting and organizing junk -- the old adage "One man's trash is another man's treasure" has never been so close to home.
While it's not uncommon for most highbloods to be hemophobic, Dranus' unique classism runs in direct opposition to the norm. He regards all highblood trolls with distrust, wary of their violent, destructive ways. A bit of a conspiracist, Dranus pessimistically predicts the world will end at the hands of those higher up on the hierarchy and so it is with a sneer of disgust that he greets them in every day life.


  • Dranus Thuban: Dranus is shortened from Draconis and tweaked while Thuban (α Draconis) was the northern pole star from 3942 BC.
    • Draconis, meaning Dragon, was part of the Cat's Eye Nebula.
    • The mythology of the constellation has heavy lean on golden apples and their due protection.
  • Rogue of Rage: A Rogue of Rage has problems coping with rage, fear, criticism or rejection or the perceived lack of it in themselves. They either believe that that they don’t react enough, letting people walk all over them because they couldn’t say stop or they believe they are overreacting, getting too upset or angry or afraid over 'nothing'. When someone makes fun of them, they don’t get angry enough to put a stop to it and just put up with it. They really struggle with saying No to someone, or rejecting them. If someone asks something of them they have a hard time refusing.
    They might not be able to handle criticizing or doubting someone, even constructively or when necessary to pull them back from something stupid or dangerous. They struggle to put their foot down even on issues they feel strongly about. They might not let themselves feel negative emotions much at all, trying to stifle them down because they think that what little anger or fear or despair they feel is already too much for themselves or others to handle. 
    • When a Rogue of Rage starts rising to their challenge, they learn to take back Rage for themselves. They let themselves be angry and upset at things.
    • They learn to be stubborn and unmoving. They learn to let themselves say No in general and put their foot down. They stop viewing Rage as something negative that they can’t deal with and start seeing it as something necessary or justified or even something to treasure and take pride in. They learn to give and take constructive criticism and they learn to handle rejection and rejecting others. They stop letting others shut down their concerns or pacify them by telling them to lighten up or ease off or lol I was just joking.
  • Slingshot: Dranus uses a large bow that also acts as a giant slingshot when properly maintained and utilized. The problem is getting the time and space to set it up for highly effective blows.
    • The bow can, but is rarely used for bow and arrows.
    • Due to Dranus' strength (and the size of the stone/item), whatever is being slingshotted can reach incredible speeds and act as a makeshift bullet to fully penetrate the target's body.
  • Tidbits: Random bits of miscellaneous information.
    • Dranus' text, when he uses his quirk, is grey. He wants to hide the color of his blood because he's ashamed of his blood color.
    • Dranus is a hermit, his paranoia fueling his desire to stay at home.
    • Dranus' hatred of highbloods stem from the abuse and bullying he suffered living amongst them for his weak/nervous disposition. His lusus was also killed by a highblood when he was 4 and 1/2 sweeps. This is when and why he moved to live among the landdwellers instead.