Orlila Triaya



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Orlila Triaya

Age: 7.38 Sweeps / 16 years old

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Lusus: Bearded Dragon

Blood Color: Violet

Powers: secrets, in tune with horrorterrors/Furthest Ring, invisibility

Classpect: Prince of Void

Trollian Handle: veiledAmbivalence

Planet: Land of Sea and Vapor

Strife Specibi: barbwirekind

Sylladex Modus: Pictionary Modus

Personality: [To be deciphered]

mine is a brutally honest fucko that can't keep secrets for shit. he's 100% terrified of being forgotten or falling into obscurity and it's such an extreme that he insists that nothing is meaningless. he blasts ignorance, just completely rips people apart and dresses them down, but ironically, in regards to his own fears, he avoids thinking about that shit -- "out of sight, out of mind". he's obsessed with the sea. just cannot get enough of that shit. like holy god, he wants to learn and know everything about it.

ironically is afraid of water.

gossip, airhead, blunt, loves to talk, 


  • A Grimdark Prince of Void would destroy everything through the Void. The Prince of Void would be somewhat in control, but would be very easy to make angry. He would send things into the Void, and would unleash the Void’s powers. This means that he would be able to bring things out of the Void, and he may even break the session.

  • “Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe’s secret-keepers. The unknown doesn’t scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. A blank page, an empty canvas, that’s what the Void-bound live for. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered fully understood. They don’t take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority. After all, in order for something new to be built, the old, rotting foundation must often be razed. At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic.”

    This makes it so Void can be laissez-faire about other people’s perceptions of it. Not really concerned about “proving” anything to anyone. But also uniquely able to consider situations and events and things vastly different from their own with an open mind. Driven by mystery and secrets, they can mysterious themselves, not really putting a lot of stock into one idea or another, but letting a multitude of possibilities flourish at the same time. Almost making it so you’re never quite sure where exactly they stand, if they’re standing at all.

    Symbolically, Void is the blank canvas filled with infinite potential, the deep ocean of dark waters filled with unknowable life, that reaches out to be everything and anything with no rhyme or reason, constantly changing and reinventing itself along the way, wave by wave. it hides in shadows its personal secrets and the idea that maybe it doesn’t have a set reality or an opinion on everything. When I think of Void, I think of the infinite expanse of nothingness that reaches into forever and encapsulates all things. It’s a shadow or a fog of darkness that obscures reality, blurs the truths we may know or assume to be true. It is the changable secrets or mysteries or dreams that swim hidden in the depths of your self as you drift off to sleep. It is going with the flow of the ever changing tide, flowing through the mists of the unknown to anywhere in the universe. Void is the darkness that all things came from, and that all things will eventually return to. To be changed, reshaped, reincarnated for the next life.

  • Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path

    A Prince of Void acts much like a Light player in their tendency to destroy Void. They are upfront and brutally honest folks, destroying ignorance and obscurity by disregarding all useless and meaningless things and unburying what’s truly important. They might be always alert and aware of things, exposing things meant to be hidden by destroying the void of secrecy around them. They might do this because they think themselves ignorant or unaware, and they might be in ways, but they try to actively destroy that ignorance as much as they can. They cannot keep secrets from either other people or themselves and do not say anything other than what they mean, preferring to be perfectly honest and clear in their opinions.

    They may even go the extreme of making people forget any meaningless information and focus only on what they consider important. They might try to extinguish the thought that anything is truly irrelevant or meaningless. They might feel frustrated when they don’t have anything solid to back up their own beliefs, and in turn may think themselves ignorant because of this. This only fuels their motivation to destroy all ignorance and indifference in themselves. They might also do this not because they believe everything is meaningful and significant, but because everything could or might be meaningful and significant.

    They might also be concerned that they will fall into obscurity or be ignored or thought of as irrelevant by other people. They might even fear nonexistence itself, but they won’t try to fill their life with meaning, they’ll just try to avoid anything that reminds them of this infinite nonexistence, using their own ignorance to destroy the thought of nonexistence. They definitely use the “Out of sight, out of mind” tactic a lot.