Clatis Tolemy



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Clatis Tolemy

Age: 7.5 sweeps/ 16 years

Gender: Nonbinary

Pronouns: He/They

Lusus: Siberian Cat

Blood Color: Lime

Powers: The Limeblood Theory; Eagle eye vision/Perception;

He's hyper-sensitive to details that most people miss.

Classpect: Heir of Space

Trollian Handle: dormantDuplicity

Planet: Land of Paint and Frogs

Strife Specibi: Wires


Quirk: He uses ^^ instead of the letter M, but otherwise has impeccable grammar with the occasional typo from the length of his claws.

Personality: Clatis is best defined by his strangeness. He's sassy, flexible, and almost cat-like with a tendency towards recklessness. He's loyal to a fault, perhaps to the point of being blinded to his friend's faults. He would protect them to the death, defend them even if they stood on the wrong side of the battle.

Clatis has an apathetic nature due to his [general] disconnection with reality. This does not mean he's emotionless or stoic by default, he's just prone to letting concerns slide off him until he's emotionally invested. His emotional involvement has a tendency to sneak up on him. It shows up one day, snooping through his underwear drawer and trying things on until he either chases it off or takes it into consideration. This is generally inspired by an event that tests the bond he has with the person involved.

Never one to use his friends to gain an advantage, Clatis is capable of making the hard decisions without emotional conflict. Clatis does what needs to be done even if it means hurting himself in the process. Were it requested of him, he'd be capable of killing his matesprit or moirail on their quest bed to help them achieve godtier. However, he would only participate if he knew without a doubt that there was no chance of failure.

Background: Due to his blood color, Clatis has been largely isolated for the majority of his life by his protective lusus. While he does have a small list of people on his Trollian, he's only left his hive a handful of times his whole life. 



  • Clatis Tolemy: Lock in Latin is clauditis (shortened), last name based on husband of constellation lore.
    • Coma Berenices/Berenice's Hair, constellation; about sacrifice and loyalty. Hair (a hairy lusus)!
    • The constellation is technically considered to be a part of 'Leo'. Siberian Cats (long hair).
    • Also Bernices Hair is also known as ''The Lock" as in the lock of hair, but could mean an actual lock.
  • Heir of Space: An Heir of Space would be very creative, artsy, and innovative from the beginning, due to the combination of Space's imaginativeness and the Heir's passive change and alteration. Further along in the session, their powers would become much more prevalent, and things in space would naturally shift and transform around them, as if in reaction to their mere presence. Once their powers were fully realized, though, their effect on reality would be undeniably strong, and their passive powers of changing Space remarkably coordinated and choreographed, almost by the whim of Space itself. The Heir would accomplish their inverse's understanding of when things happen and the Alpha timeline in order to passively warp and shift spacial constructs to fit that mold. As the Space player, they would be charged with the breeding of the Genesis Frog, which, while a difficult task for the Heir at first, would soon be conducted with such effortless grace that even the Heir may not realize the job being finished so early.
    • They are known to be kind, and creative and a very well balanced person all around.
    • Despite this Heirs pretty much shift the balance. They are a strong class, though one wouldn't really expect it.
    • Space is pretty much one of the two most 'important' aspects. You cannot create a successful session without both a space and time player.
  • Wires: Clatis has a locket necklace. It may look innocuous enough, but nestled inside are the wires he uses to strife with. 
    • It's not unlike a box of dental floss — it might appear small, but there's more wire than you'd expect.
    • Clatis has the ability to wrap the wires around an appendage — say a wrist — and cut off the circulation. Not only is he capable of immobilizing his opponent if done right, but if he used enough force at just the right angle he could effectively amputate the limb from their body.