


7 years, 10 months ago


Name ↠ Shiratori Eita
             Western: Eita Shiratori
Alias ↠ Swan
Gender ↠ Genderneutral (they/them, he/him)
Age ↠ 25 years  
Birthday ↠ November 11, 1991
Species ↠ Swan maiden/Tenin
Title ↠ ...
Theme ↠ ...

Ethnicity ↠ Japanese/European
Height ↠ 5'10"   
Weight ↠ 155.6 lbs   
Build ↠ Sturdy, large
Eyes ↠ Intense, gold
Attributes ↠ Large white wings, tattoos

Sexuality ↠ Homoromantic demisexual (Polyamorous)
Partner ↠ Single
Occupation ↠ Model with mafia underworkings
Likes ↠ Snakes, birds, alcohol, sleeping, money
Dislikes ↠ Cats, water, cooking, himself
Alignment ↠ ...
Instruments ↠ Piano
Languagues ↠ Japanese, some English
Favorite Color ↠ Red
Favorite Drink ↠ Long Island Iced tea
Favorite Food ↠ Tekka maki
Favorite Animal ↠ Snake
Favorite Song ↠ ...


Eita’s a bit hard to get a proper reading on, as his outer persona changed to suit the ‘whims’ of the person he’s talking to. In general, he’s a bit of a motherly type with a bit of a controlling habit and a tendency to hold grudges. He’s bipolar and struggling with depression, often having bad days where he’ll curl up at home and not leave for a while. He can get hot-headed in situations and will often charge into problems. He’s sharp-tongued and prone to giving lectures.
He’s touchy in regards to his mythology, his moodswings, and his fashion sense. He stresses easily and has fallen to alcohol to get over his cyclothymia and past. 


Eita stands at 5’10, with broad shoulders and strong arms that tend to sway when he walks. His body slims down at the hips before his toned legs. His skin is tanned and blemish-free. His eyes are intense and a startling amber-yellow, with long lashes that compliment his full lips. His facial structure is built to be very aesthetically pleasing. He appears to practically glow in any general setting.
His hair is soft and bleached yellow, cut into an a-symmetrical bob. 
Eita’s wings are large and downy to the touch, and they emit a soft shine in dark areas. They are able to be ‘retracted’ into a similar-looking tattoo on his shoulders, but the process is uncomfortable and Eita says that he feels ‘naked’ without his wings. 
There are a few tattoos on Eita’s body: a snake wrapped around his right ankle, a minimalistic origami crane on the inside of his left thigh, and a star on his right collarbone. 
His fashion sense is a bit… wild, but he likes to stick to ‘punk’-esque clothing, adorned with scarves and medical masks during fall and winter.


Eita was born into an almost pure mythological family, full of tenins and swan maidens, under the name Fukuoka Eita. On his maternal side, almost everyone was from southern Europe and born as a maiden- with the exception of his grandfather, who instead was a lonely human miner who trapped Eita’s grandmother as a young girl and eventually forced her to bear his children. 
On Eita’s paternal side, the family was pure tenin. Eita never got to meet his relatives from that side as they disagreed with his father’s decision to marry Eita’s mother.
Eita was very close to his parents throughout the first part of his childhood, as his mother was unable to conceive past him and therefore left Eita as an only child. His family was rather wealthy (swan maidens tend to attract fortune, after all) and he received anything he wanted. He was set to live a very luxurious and comfortable life, until his parents passed away in a car wreck. They had been t-boned by a drunk driver late one night, thus leaving seven-year-old Eita in his maternal grandmother’s care. 

Her husband had long since passed away, and ever since then she harboured a heavy grudge towards men. She despised Eita and emotionally abused him, switching between ignoring him or treating him like a slave. The two rarely ever actually spoke and Eita very quickly grew to dislike and distrust her. 
He spiralled into four years of depression and anxiety, fearing that one day his grandmother would snap and hurt him. He started to avoid the house and school, instead straying to downtown Kyoto. Eventually he bumped into a group of people wearing white bandanas. He expected them to be one of the violent gangs spoken about on TV, but instead they took in his rather malnutritional appearance and immediately took him under their wing.
They were a Mafia-esque organization merely known as The Eagles. Eita quickly formed strong bonds with most of the members and started to work under their watch, earning himself the alias ‘Swan’. For the first time since his parents passed away, Eita felt like he had a future. Two Eagles, simply referred to as Snake and Kira, became good friends with Eita. They hooked him up with a steady black market job and Eita rapidly made enough money to buy himself an apartment away from his grandmother.
Eita was 20 when his grandmother passed away. As she had no other living relatives, everything went to him, including the mansion she owned. Eita sold the apartment and moved back, holding his market work from there. He changed his name to 'Shiratori,' following his nickname.
He was very well-liked by most of his clients as he is a very hard-working, honest person. However, a few of the more corporate clients disliked him thanks to his flippant, condescending attitude towards them. He also had a mean-streak should something go wrong, even going as far to throw someone’s shipment into the nearest harbour after they paid a week too late and tried to put the blame on him.
Those very clients in turn beat and kidnapped Eita, pushing his unconscious body into the harbour he dumped their shipment. Luckily, a nearby boater caught Eita before he drowned. Shaken and fearful, Eita dropped the black market and didn’t leave his house for a few months. 
As a 23rd birthday present, Snake and Kira promised to find Eita a job that wouldn’t get him killed. They managed to get a few Eagles into a modelling business, making it possible for Eita to thus become a model. He accepted and was very well greeted, as swan maidens are known for their beauty.
He spend the next two years with a growing popularity, pleased to find that with the innerworkings of the business controlled by his gang, he had a very strong and trustworthy safety net should anything go wrong.


❖ He's slightly lactose intolerant but likes ice cream too much.
❖ He's bad with technology and also has a bit of a black thumb.
❖ He cannot cook to save his life and lives off of donuts, Chinese food, and alcohol.
❖ He suffers from depression, cyclothymia, alcoholism, and BPD.
❖ He molts at the beginning of fall (northern hemisphere, around early-mid October) and during that time will keep his wings retracted; bare wings aren't beautiful. Because of this, the feathers still need somewhere to go, and more often than not choose his hair as a place to leave the body. Therefore, it's easy to find him with feathers sticking out of his hair from mid October to early November.
❖ Nomenclature: 白取 (Shiratori) - Swan (White bird)
                             英太 (Eita) - Overly Brave