


7 years, 9 months ago


Name: Jay

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Species: Venxarian Hybrid -- Human

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Associated with: Ricky



Personality: Jay is identified best by his extremely outgoing and friendly personality. He will talk to just about anybody about anything that comes up. He is extremely excitable, and tends to have very lively and melodramatic body movements. He's always got a bounce in his step. He also has some issues with volume control; when he gets excited, he often gets very loud.

 Jay always looks for the best in situations and people. He tries his best to be friends with everyone he meets, and in the rare cases that he finds himself disliking someone, he will tolerate them. He's always looking on the bright side when things go wrong, and will do the best he can to help and support his friends, and even strangers, in their times of need.

Despite his extremely extroverted personality type, Jay does not get lonely easily. When nobody is around to talk to, he will keep himself occupied by going for walks, listening to music, and caring for plants.

He is ruled by emotion.


Strengths: Jay is an empath; he can feel the emotions of people around him. He always knows when somebody is upset, and will do his best to try to comfort them if they allow him. His love for other people drives him to do what he feels is right at all times, even if it isn't easy.

Weaknesses: Jay's overly-excitable nature tends to get him into trouble. He often gets so excited that he makes himself physically ill. His excitable nature may also lead him to want to try new things, which sometimes turn out to be dangerous. He has been known to neglect himself, putting the needs and feelings of others before his own.


Hobbies and Likes: Jay loves plants, particularly cacti and succulents. When he's not spending time with his favorite people or talking to his plants, he's usually blogging. He loves memes, bad puns, and science jokes.

Dislikes: ignorance, death, hatred, violence, suffering