
4 years, 9 months ago


Fritillaryfang 19146155_PPL.png
Dawnfeather (father)
Swallowshade (mother)
Silentburr (brother)
Poppycreek (sister)


Fritillaryfang is WindClan's eccentric deputy. They love a good roughhousing every now and then, and sometimes gets disappointed by a quick fight; it's not to say that they're battle-hungry because they totally are, but Fritillaryfang enjoys some downtime here and there.




  • Fritillary for their distintive ginger fur (it's a butterfly)
  • Fang for their exceptional hunting skills.
  • they got their scars from a fox attack

Design notes

  • asymmetric design (body markings can be simplified if needed)
  • spotted paw pads
  • scruffy fur
  • excessive fur on the ear and tail tips
  • three scars
  • one small eye scar
  • one large underbelly scar
  • right ear is ripped off
"Yeah, you would like that, wouldn't you?"


As a new face in windclan and born in the unforgiving cold of leadbare, Lichenkit found the winds to be soothing. His mother. Marigoldwing gave a litter of four kits, two who were too weak to survive the freezing cold. The only survivors were Lichenkit and his sister, Mottledsplash. His kitten-blue eyes faded into yellow and Lichenkit was soon noted to be a quiet kit while his sister was already causing havoc.

During this age, he grew a peculiar interest in herbs and medicine, glancing at the medicine den at every opportunity he could take in. His mother was hesitant of allowing Lichenkit to take on the role (mainly because of his strange lack of empathy) but supported him and his dream regardless. Luckily for the kit, the six moons flew by quickly and his apprentice ceremony began.


Learning all the different illnesses and various herbs fought to be a challenge for young Lichenpaw, however, he was ambitious. He studied the herbs at dawn til dusk every day, he studied the anatomy through the skeleton of a rabbit, he was more than ready. Lichenpaw grew into a serious cat but his crazy devotion to the rank left him socially awkward. That one virtue of his is what caused him to become so quiet and solitary.

At his last few moons of apprenticeship, his father, Ravenmoth was fatally killed in battle. The black tom was already dead upon arrival but it left Lichenpaw in shambles despite his limited expressions. His mother later fell into depression, refusing to eat or care for personal hygiene; Lichenpaw's sister, Mottledpaw took care of Marigoldwing, but it was futile. She died with a broekn heart. Lichenpaw had another death in his family and he couldn’t do anything.

Medicine Cat Life

Lichenpaw gained his medicine cat name, Lichenface, and got disappointed at such a boring suffix. Regardless, being disappointed wasn’t on the tom’s priority list. He was, and is a full medicine cat! It was something special to celebrate and so he did, by being smiley for a very short bit. Only his mentor got to experience such a miracle. His sister got her full warrior name as Mottledsplash after her white markings. Many moons past, and Lichenface kept his quiet demeanor. He went more distant as news flooded to him when his sister was trampled by horse; a horrible way to die, he thought.

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