.♡Harley (Backstory etc)






SpeciesSmilodon Fatalis
Age18 (1/29)

"Gotta b inlove w/ urself first, fools"


Harley can control fire with her mind. She can cause it to sponteneously pop up in any place, which makes her a formidable opponent. During paticularly powerful attacks, flames and smoke will billow from her mouth and nose; although this is very dangerous for her.

Harley was cursed by a jackal demon named Migraine, who is the source of her fire power. However, Migraine causes Harley's lungs to fill with tar, which can often be seen dripping out of her nose or mouth. Because of this, Harley must be extremely careful with how and when she uses her fire, as accidently setting the tarr within her ablaze would mean certain death.

For the most part, she can control the fire very well; but during times of extremely high emotional stress/trauma/etc she may light things unintentionally and be unable to stop it before it rages out of control and destroys things. When in control, Harley can choose who her fire 'burns', she can walk through/over it with no issue, as can anyone she chooses- but be warned if you are on her bad side, or if she cannot control it, theres no telling whose getting burned.

The curse Migraine put on Harley acts in very strange ways; because it is a direct reference to chronic issues I face in real life, it mirrors them closely. When Harley is upset/sad/angry, the tar will begin to flare up and begin filling her lungs and digestive system. During extreme emotional turmoil, Harley will begin to cough up live birds made of the sticky black tar- these birds will circle the sabertooth, sometimes for weeks, before disappearing. However if Harley faces enough hardship and coughs up enough birds, they come together as the physical manifestation of the jackal demon.

When Migraine forms from the birds, she challenges Harley to a fight. When Migraine loses, Harley's symptoms will go away (as Migraine is too weak to be causing them) however the fight is very difficult for Har due to the amount of tar in her system; this is the only time she will risk using her fire while having flamable liquid in her.

Harley's golden teeth and fangs are a new addition to her powers, explained below in the Story portion. She is able to turn anything she wishes to solid gold just by touching it with her teeth or claws; this power only activates when she wants it too, so there is no risk of turning something to gold accidently.

She uses this in fights with Migraine, although the demon is capable of minor teleportation so it is hard to land hits, but when Harley is able to strike her Migraine is forced to lay dormant for months as she rebuilds up enough power to break out of the gold prison. The conflict of the gold vs Migraines powers instantly sends the jackal back to the demon realm, where she slowly and painfully solildifies into gold, and is thus unable to bother Harley or send more then tiny bits of tar for a long period of time.

Story (in universe)

Harley is a lone Smilodon Fatalis, although she once belonged to a pride, nobody is quite sure what happened and Harley is not interested in sharing her backstory; even the exact cause of the curse is a mystery, it is said she once nearly drowned to death in a tar pit but miraculously hauled herself out and survived as a young cub.

Watched closely by the supernatural beings around her, the mortal sabertooth grew very angry and aggressive as she grew in her adult mane. The female never grew the saberteeth that her pedigree had promised her, and this caused a lot of inner turmoil. When she was younger, she was quick to start and end fights, no cat that strayed into her territory was spared her claws.

As she reached full maturity though, she realized the problem in her ways. The anger and hatred in herself only made her sicker, and it drove others away; she was desperate for some kind of connection in the world, more than just enemies. She slowly began teaching herself how to love not only the world around her, but herself too. One day she stumbled across a wounded, dying unicorn in her land, although her first instinct was to slaugther and eat it she decided instead to help it. Gathering supplies, she stayed by the equines side for many days and nights, bringing it food and cleaning its wounds.

When the hoofed beast was healed, it revealed itself to her. The god of healing stood before her, impressed with all that she had changed. It new of her battles with the demon, as Harley had confided in it. It told her that she truly deserved to be happy one day, and that it would come if she kept pushing for it. It then granted her what nature had not; her saberteeth; but the beast did more then just that, it turned her claws to pure gold, and the sabers too. It told Harley the power she now held, and what it could do to Migraine. 

Harley was immensely gratful to the beast and promised it that she would continue to be better, and heal a little more each day. To this day, the saber makes a concious effort to stay kind and loving to all, although she still has her moments of slipping into past patterns of aggression.

profile html by Hukiolukio