sexsexen's Comments

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if this character ufo? :o one of the tags says accepting offers but another says never for sale !! <3; would love to offer but i wanted to make sure before i did

Yep they’re UFO

oh cool! i'd be willing to trade any of the characters here if they interest you ! alternatively if none of those characters interest you i'd be willing to do art or even custom designs for them!

Sorry for the late reply lemme think ... so many cute characters ahhh

take your time! i may be willing to do multiples depending on which characters you're interested in c:

sorry to bother you again but i just remembered i also have bayfox items i could offer as an add-on! if that interests you (only the vampire pockat, sea serpent, and data potion are taken)

im super tent but i will ping you when i am less tent on her . i am debating a few ocs im just tent so even if i decline now i can ping u in the future for her 

3 Replies