


4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Charcoal

Age: 27 [in human years]

Tribe: Nightwing//Sandwing hybrid

Gender: Male 

Personality n stuff: -

Other: Charcoal is the bastard son of the nightwing prince Vesper and a sandwing named Gobi. His father immediately abandoned Gobi when she told him she had his egg. Gobi, distraught by Vesper's betrayal, hardly took care of  Charcoal. Charcoal resented his parents, often running away from home for days on end just to return with wounds he got from fights with other dragons. He was a very troubled dragonet and over time he grew to despise nightwings. 

He often attacked his mother, who remained heartbroken throughout the years over Vesper's abandonment. His mother hardly fought back, eventually he was fed up enough and left his home for good. He moved to the night kingdom to 'spy' on them and gather information. Eventually he learned how they lied or exaggerated much of their history, and weren't what the rest of pyrrhia thought they were. He joined rag tag groups of rebels that often disappointed him so he decided to form his own group.

This group was rather small and mostly consisted of hybrids like him, he eventually created an alliance with Ex-Prince Blizzard. This alliance was unstable due to Ex-Prince Blizzard's beliefs but Charcoal new he would have to work with the icewing in order to succeed in  bringing down the nightwings.

Songs I based him around:

The Pretender - The Foo Fighters

Thnks fr the Mmrs - Fall Out Boy

War Pigs - Black Sabbath