Toby 🍂's Comments

Omg heya!! I was looking through some of my old designs and remembered this little guy,, if possible I'd love to get him back!! I think he'd fit right in with a story that I'm working on writing, he fits perfectly with the shy, nervous character that I've been wanting to fill a certain role that I need :] He'd be acquaintances with most of the other characters in the story though he's a little scared of them because they're scary goths haha. Here's the story if you're at all wanting to take a look at it! <3

That’s so cute omg and ur so sweeettetete 💖💖😭 u can sure have him back!! i love the idea u have for him already aaa I’ll surely check the story out also 

OMG JUST READ THE FOLDER DESC IM CURIOUS ABT THE ADVENTURES THEY DO A they seem so silly and funky I love it haha plus, that playlist tho!! 

AWH thank you so much omg!! I'm so happy you like the silly ideas I have for him and the even sillier story he'll be a part of hehe <33 AWAHHH THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPYY I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOY THE PLAYLIST AND STORY JUST FROM THE DESCRIPTION HEHE <33 I plan to write out some of the stories I have in mind pretty soon actually!! They get up to all sorts of goofy shenanigans from getting into dancing competitions to accidentally burning buildings down x'D

You’re so welcome!! Can’t wait to read what you come up with 

also Dayummmm what— they’re crazyyy haha silly doods love them x333