
4 years, 9 months ago


He's an imp masquerading as an obscure clown mascot, bent on trickery ranging from a mild prank to a perverse act of malice. They call him a demon - which he definitely does resemble, mind you - but he's quick to yell off about his hatred of the "big man" and his honest-to-dear-god free-will. Pry into this life-choice of his any further, and you might end up having your skin decorated with a few large scratches.

🤡 Cina's Circus of Fun and Surprises 👿

  • Self-named after the retired Saa-Ree O! mascot, "Cina the Clown," the imp fashioned his mask to both carefully match the character's belonging and transform his body to further resemble the actual character's appearance.
  • Appears to undergo an emotional transformation when taking the identity of Cina, acting as if he were the character down to his signature laugh. The laugh, notably, differs in both pitch and tone from the imp's own bestial snicker (think of a chipper ha-ha! versus a wry heh-heh..."). 
  • Commonly found loitering around abandoned amusement parks, carnivals, and seldomly in highly populated fairgrounds. Enjoys toying with lone explorers and coaxing those weak enough towards it before revealing its true form.
  • Acts hostile towards adults and will critically injure any if provoked far enough, though refuses to "reveal" itself in front of any child in its proximity and will peacefully go about his routine until said children are no longer present. This is agreed between those who come across this mischievous spirit to be the best way to "pacify" him.