


4 years, 9 months ago


Ezekiel's oldest son and was a result of Ezekiel having a brief fling with Asante. Asante was going to tell Ezekiel that she was expecting, but she was shocked when Zaffiro excitedly told her that she was expecting cubs from him now. Asante felt so shocked but wanted to be happy for her pride sister as she had already been through a lot.. Her crush developing on Ezekiel didnt matter as much as her happiness to her. Their fling was only once during a moment of drunken weakness for both of them anyways.. Before her son was born, Asante wanted him to be raised alongside his other siblings since she didnt want him to feel outcasted. As much as it hurt Asante and how Ezekiel and Zaffiro protested, she ultimately decided one night to leave the pride and leave her son with Zaffiro's newborn cubs since she didnt want to compete with Zaffiro for Ezekiel. She wanted her to have the happy perfect family that she deserved and always wanted. "I'll just be in the way and having a cub by her mate will make things more complicated.. even if I do love him too." She meekly said once she set down her small golden cub. She gave him one last look, but turned away as she didnt want to wake him up and possibly remember her crying and walking away thinking 'this is for the best..'

Zachariah is a very cheery and a bit naive young lad. He is very outgoing but a bit modest about the good things about himself. He is very happy with his parents, but he feels something off, like he's diferent from his brothers and sister.. Why didnt he look like his mom Zaffy..? He didnt really look like his father either.. Niether of them have stripes or red hair but he did. So what did this mean and where did he get these looks..? Zach wants to talk to his parents about this, but he doesnt really know what to ask or how to say it without hurting them. "Maybe I should just.. ask them about it later" he keeps telling himself for now..