Xue Luó



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Xue Luó · 学 罗

Gender/Pronouns: Female, her/she

Age: 17

Birthday: February 4th

Starsign: Pisces (♓)

Blood type: B

Height: 5"7 ft · 170 cm

Weight: 133 lbs · 60 kg

Ethnicity: Chinese Caucasian mix

Nationality: Chinese

Language(s): Mandarin, English

Talent: Astronomer

Likes: Matcha Sweets, Jewelry, Murder Stories, Dumplings, Tea and Rain

Dislikes: Carbonated Drinks, Elevators, Cabbage, Fish Paste and Ill-mannered people

Public Biography:

The Luó family is known to own the second biggest corporation in all of China. Most things– like electronics and other products are labeled with the famous Luó name. With their riches and successful business, the Luó family is known to have an heir to take over the family business as soon as the head of the business is deceased. The heir is known to be Xue Luó, a seventeen year old girl known to be the Caged Princess or Prisoner to the Luó family, because of rumors that she has never stepped outside of the Luó household.

There is not much information on Xue Luó herself, but other than the rumors created about her.