-Confident: Atiqua thinks she is good at whatever she does. If she comes up short she will ignore the remark, assessing that next time she will prove them wrong. Failures are met with grins of an accepted challenge as that is what she views life as. A constant challenge in where her goal is to win. Failure is not an option. No, she will try try try and try again until she is perfect in which case then she will considering that challenge won. Larger challenges, ones that show her as weak or that do risk her life make her hesitate slightly, but she will still attempt them. She believes very deeply that she can do anything those of her caste are capable of.

-Classy: Keeping it formal Atiqua strives to not offend. While politeness might not win points with some trolls it can make them think you're not a threat, something Atiqua is MORE than happy to be seen as. She will be prim and proper as best she can because the trolls it does matter with? It helps, a lot in her opinion. Aside from it keeping under radar at times, by not giving into 'cravings' for blood or violence she's more in control and can focus better. Sadly, when she gets over upset, her class act can't always hold up, and she can go into some rather colorful vitriol.

-Organized: Thing have a proper place. Going in hand with her manners, things need a structure. By giving herself one, she is at ease, able to work efficiently and in a timely fashion. She knows she can get shit done, and in having a system things just get done better. From her home to how she views people things go in boxes and those boxes go in boxes and she will organize as needed. Her box style categorizing does make her a bit linear at times and can give her difficulty when she needs to put thing into two mental boxes but they fit in both or none or goddamn she's got to make a new category for this shit.

-Arrogant: She can do that. Excuse you if you think otherwise. Kindly back the fuck off she's got this. In thinking she can do anything? She thinks more often than not she's the absolute shit. She keeps a lot of this to herself and does not directly say it if it puts her above one with a higher rank. She'll show off her work when she can, expecting praise. Don't have any? Obviously you're just jealous. Deal with it. She'd better than you and she's out to prove it. Need someone's help? You need her. Need a problem solved? She can do that. When told she's not needed or no Atiqua silently fumes thinking colorful jabs to take at others.

-Tunnel Vision: Atiqua thinks in boxes and those boxes are labeled and color coded. Things go in boxes. Not baskets, not bin, but boxes. To word it differently, she fails to grasp that things don't always fit neatly into her world. She will do anything and everything to set things into 'place' in her logic, ranging from ignoring factors, making new attributes, or generally missing the whole point of things. If she's set on a task she might fail to see how it will affect others or what else she's missing. Hard work is good, but she takes it to the point where she lets it distract her from what might really matter.

-Ignorant: For all she toots her horn and acts like she is going to know things, Atiqua is rather clueless to certain things. Nothing in specific mind, but small factors. Glaringly obvious facts are hard for her to miss, but subtle hints? Little clues? Over her head more often than not. This applies to some, but not all social cues, (usually ones telling her to back off or down with her 'willingness' to help).