
7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Milan Britehaup


Slavic — Gracious, Dear, Beloved




April 14


Self-centered with an ego the size of Texas. Hates to lose; very competitive. Has no 'idols,' only 'rivals.' A hard worker despite her ego; she is a perfectionist when it comes right down to it, and believes that everything she does must meet that "perfect" standard. Strict and blunt; will not mince words. Believes lying is beneath her, so despite her many faults, she actually doesn't have too hard a time keeping the friends she has.


Grew up singing with the prettiest voice anyone around her had ever heard, but met a roadblock at 17 when no company would sign her on, saying she "Wasn't singing with her heart."  No man has ever been able to handle her egotistical attitude, and have often left her with the declaration that she has no heart. 

Her best friend is Aine Laker, a former child model who lost her voice after a malicious prank by another child.  Where Milan realized there was poison in the drinks they were offered, Aine had not; the toxin damaged her friend's vocal chords beyond repair, and Milan was the one who made a point of shaming the poisoner until she could never show her face in the modeling industry again. Milan and Aine have been inseperable ever since.   Milan is also Aine's main caretaker since she became a shut-in several years ago.

Milan meets Calix at one of her day jobs as a server at a local cafe.  For someone so low-key, he leaves a huge impression on Milan when he seems to find her utterly unimpressive.  Naturally she won't stand for that, and does her damndest to figure out what it will take to make her greatness known to all — including the non-plussed, slow-speaking, sarcastic Calix.