Dorian Mill



9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






April 19th





Senshi of




Tetris- It's been proven to calm the mind and help focus. It's also a game that Dorian can play on for hours. He likes the techno music. He also owns a tetris shirt. And a tetris themed bookbag. And a pen that lets you play tetris, (which sits in the teacher's desk).
Mystery Novels- The ones with broken spines and cost $1 at the dollar tree are the best. Dorian loks reading about the PI who goes against the grain. (He is also a fan of Film Noir)
Gardening- He grows herbs. Special herbs. Legal ones. Ones he can use when he's too poor to go shopping.
Watson and Holmes: His pet rats. Holmes is female. This was due to a mistake on the seller's part. Dorian likes to take his pet rats on walks in his hoodie, and this is not allowed in food stores and depresses Dorian considerably.

Gemstone: Diamond


Self-Sufficient- He doesn't depend on his parents now, and vows to never depend on anyone. Why? To many problems. Dorian thinks by doing stuff on his own, he's a better person. He tends to work with others well enough, but he prefers not to. It's just easier for him.

Never back down- You have a problem? He will ask you, up front, and he will deal with it. He's not blunt in sense he asks at the worst possible moment, but he does ask. He does confront, just in the shadows where they won't make a scene.

Motivated- Dorian has one life goal besides living until he's 30. And that is be successful. He still gets up and does his full on work day. He still does what he has to do. He will live, he will survive. Even if the sky is a black cloud he will move on, because he can't give up. It's just not his nature to do so.

Positive Thinker- When things get tough the thought get going and Dorian is going to not only go, he will go smiling. He tries to find the silver lining on every storm cloud. When he can't find one, he will find something else to be positive about. Out of everything he does, he truely thinks that if you are alive there is hope, that in some way, things can always get better.


Overly critical- Living on his own and being self reliant has made Dorian very critical of other lifestyles, mostly of his peers. He can't understand why people need to rely so heavily on each other, and also, why they are so darn whiny~ So you lost your money? Make more. This also goes into cleanliness, organization, and tends to go with...

Prideful- He has a full time job. He has his own place. He has a (very old and half dead) car. Dorian is better then you. He will tell you why. He might tell you how to get as good and him but as stands, he is still better then you.

Jealous- Dorian, for all his pride, all his self reliance, hates feeling lesser and that he is somehow left out. He might SAY he is better then you for earning his car ALL ON HIS OWN, but inside, he REALLY HATES THE FACT YOU GOT THAT BRAND NEW TOYOTA FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY. But he won't share this. He'll just make grumpy faces at your new car and say his is better because it's HIS.

Lonely- Always moving forward and making the best of things while not wallowing in the past has one draw back Dorian keeps encountering. The fact that for all his independence and bravado, he is terribly lonely. He has friends and family, but he always keeps them at arm's length. While he says it's a good thing, something needed to achieve his goals, he is rather lonely and often finds himself at home on a Saturday night with no one around. Part of him desperately wants to find someone to be close to, but he can never bring them closer then that brick wall he puts up around himself.



Sailor Scout Attack: Fall
Touching an enemy, they suddenly find themselves paralyzed for 5 seconds. This can only be used ONCE PER DAY. They cannot move, speak, and literally collapse on the ground, though they remain fully aware of their surroundings. It can only effect the single target, and that target must come into direct contact with the hand, skin to skin. Note, by default, Hybris wears gloves and must remove them before attacking.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Crash
Touching an enemy, they suddenly find themselves paralyzed for 15 seconds. This can only be used ONCE PER DAY. They cannot move, speak, and literally collapse on the ground, though they remain fully aware of their surroundings. It can only effect the single target, (though if that target is holding another, that person also suffers the attack, maxing at 3 people), and that target must come into direct contact with the hand. Gloves are no longer a problem as is direct skin to skin contact.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Collapse
Everything in a 10 foot radius becomes erratic and unstable. Car alarms go off, lights flicker, safety valves get turned off and on at random. Things fail or fix themselves at random. This lasts for 30 seconds and can be used three times. It cannot effect a person's body if they are powered, however, if say an elderly person were to walk into their field? That pacemaker might stop. Might. It's all chance. The attack's nature is the temporary removal of control from subjective authority. It cannot alter the world state or permanently change something in a fundamental way. It is a fixed spot, and once cast Hybris cannot control it's outcome and is just as subject to it as their foes.