Solia Delacroix



9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Sol, Thomas (after Thomas Bangalter)








SHIPPING TUMBLR BLOG, (Air-headed/Forgetful): A slight space case, Solia is forgetful when it comes to names and faces, but not so much with facts and details. Gazing off wistfully is a past time, and sighs and gasps of wonder at 'new' things happen a lot. New being something she just forgot she saw or someone showing her a move just the day before. Repetition is needed with her and things like dates and times usually take about five to 10 repeats. Faces and names just a bit less. Overall, unless it's cold hard facts or minute details, Solia will forget or space out on them.

IT IS MY OTP (Willful, stubborn): When she ship something she ships it hard. Her headstrong opinions and thoughts are often loud and it's somewhat, if not impossibly hard to stop her or make her change her mind without good reason. When she thinks she's right she's right. When she wants to do something she will do it. When confronted with the fact she's wrong or she can't get her way, she'll pout, internalize, and just silently fume at whatever is denied to her.

FEELS (emotional, sympathetic): Solia, for all her opinionated self, likes to listen to people. She likes talking to people or sometimes just listening to others talk. She's the type that could go to a five hour lecture and enjoy every second of it, (not that she would remember it). She is at times, a bleeding heart and wants to help people and make them feel better. She tries very hard to understand other people's feelings and thoughts, and will worry and fret and eventually begin to panic when others are distressed. She wants to solve the world's problems, her own included. Sadly, she is idealistic in some ways, and it her willingness to help and believe others troubles can be used against her rather easily. Emotions or feelings are the only 'gullible' things with her. Other things like facts and such will be taken with a normal amount of salt and speculation.

LOOK AT MY SHIPS (Detail oriented): Facts are one thing Solia loves. Stemming from this she has a fixation on details that might seem useless or, are rather important. Facts need to be grounded in examples, logic, evidence- and many of those things can be found in the details. From her work to her living space, Solia has a thing for where things are and where things go. While she might not be organized, she knows how things are supposed to go and how they are supposed to work. Her work space might be a mess, but she knows where everything is. Memorization in this field isn't that hard for her. This however, only helps her so much when it comes to emotions. She's quick to pick up body language and facial expressions but not all the time. If she notices an odd habit, that's why she noticed, Because it's a habit a person doesn't normally do. Her habit of nit picking at details however can be annoying as once she's latched onto something she doesn't easily let go.

ALL MY SHIPS WILL SAIL ON (Rose tinted world): It will get better. Basically a life motto she forced herself to believe Solia is determined that every cloud has a silver lining and there is always a sunny day ahead. Nothing stays bad forever. After all, she thought she'd never be able to fight monsters now look at her! Aside from occasionally being blindly optimistic, Solia tries to downplay unpleasant things, and when she can't find a silver lining or a happy thought, she'll clam up and be introverted rather than extroverted.

OMG OTP (Excitable): She might have been a huge dork before coming to deus and it shows. Her love for fandoms has not ended and she tends to go on about things she loves. Things she loves plus new things onto it? She flips out and gushes. Solia is, at heart, a fangirl who ships.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?
Solia grew up normal until she was a preschooler in a rather strict catholic school, (extending to 2nd grade). Nuns threatening her with hell, the devil- fear became an everyday lesson, and eventually she began to see shadows. Calling her 'touched by the devil' for when she asked about the shadows and why holy things didn't work on them, her parents sought exorcisms and other rituals to rid their daughter of her 'taint'. Nothing worked and she was eventually shoved into (a much less strict), boarding school and ignored by her family. She learned that the shadows would never leave, and has for much of her life thought that she really was cursed. To cope she worked to ignore things and force herself to smile, and for a good part, it's worked. She did gain something akin to a normal life, mostly through fandoms, things like tumblr, conventions, as her family gave her everything so long as she never really went home.

Coming to Deus however, is making her feel much better about the simple fact she exists, and it's made her feel less like an cursed being that should have never have been born.  

Height: Five foot even
Birthday: April 11th, 1994
Race: French American
Fears: Churches, Nuns, Priests- Having been forced to part take in exorcisms has left her afraid of them. She still has her faith, but going to a church or anything to do with a church sets off her alarms.
Dreams: To see Paris
Favorite Color: #1472ff
Favorite Food: Eggplant
Least favorite Food: Nutella
Favorite Person: You u-u
Favorite Book: Good Omens
Hobbies: Blogging, Sewing/Craft (cosplaying), Watching TV/Movies/Anime, fangirling, running and volleyball.
Languages: Fluent in french and latin. Latin however she'd rather not ever deal with again.
Smells like: Ocean, (body wash and shampoo)
Favorite Animal: Blue Bird