Scientist Gitch



4 years, 9 months ago


(Currently a WIP)
Gitch is a somewhat shorter than average Irken that was assigned as a scientist, mainly specializing and overall having most interest in biology in his free time even though it's not a very valued subject for a race focused on the most efficient ways in invasion. His position as a scientist was chosen due to the fact that he was unfit for an invader, being much too lethargic and laidback to fill in that position.
Aside from his laidback nature, Gitch is known for being rather anxious and prone to frequent voice cracks, particularly when he finds himself even slightly shorter than other Irkens (which is frequent due to his shorter than average height). Because of this he found his own time to make some wearable leg extensions for himself, taking a great deal of inspiration from looking at digitigrade legged races such as the Vortians. Before he'd come across the crew he's with now, he sparsely wore the extensions aside from when he was alone, never daring to go out in public and risk some sort of offense. Nowadays he'll wear them whenever he can in the comfort of the ship and the 3 other Irkens he inhabits it with, behaving more confidently (albeit a bit cocky) when wearing them. This attitude will quickly devolve back into his normal anxious behavior, particularly when his extensions have been taken forcefully, which will make him panic and shut down for a little while due to his over-attachment to them.

Currently Gitch is aboard a decently sized ship housing 3 other Irkens, all on a wild goose chase for a planet that doesn't exist, simply to get rid of them for varying reasons, a similar way that the Tallest had gotten rid of Zim. However, there is a low chance that they've heard of or been on Earth in the first place, though if they had it was probably for a short while before getting back to trying to find their own assigned planet. During their travels from planet to planet, Gitch stumbled across an odd burrowing sort of creature that he later named Tot and brought onto the ship because of her docile and dog-like nature, though not without protest from the rest of the crew.