


4 years, 9 months ago


Name Metzli
Race tiefling
Age 21
Height 5'3"
Pronouns she/her
Orientation bisexual
Relationship Status taken
class sorcerer
Theme [song]

Status alive
Designer spazmoids
Worth [info]







  • Born to a tiefling couple in a tiny, poor town constantly ravaged by goblins
  • Parents were killed by goblins when she was 10ish
  • She was born with strong magical abilities, but never really had the chance to learn how to use them
    • They mostly dealt with shadows and darkness
    • Kinda made the other kids scared of her, besides the whole tiefling thing
    • To combat the vibe the shadows gave her, she acted as bright and sprightly as possible
  • A few years after her parents were killed, a branch of a monk monastery moved in
  • She was taken in by these monks, who promised to help her harness her magical abilities
  • The goblins did not attack for a while after the monks arrived, to her relief 
  • But eventually, they did and were soundly defeated by the monks
  • To test her abilities, the monks brought her along on a raid to the goblin camp, to finish them once and for all
  • She grievously injured a young goblin on this raid and lived with the guilt 
    • She never knew if that goblin lived or died, but if they died then that would be the only person she ever killed and it haunted her, even if it was just a goblin
    • She thought she’d hated goblins, but now she wasn’t so sure
  • She stayed and trained with the monks’ magic users for the rest of her adolescence, hiding her guilt over what she’d done
    • She tried talking about it at first, but the monks dismissed her and told her that it was just a goblin
  • Eventually she “graduated” and headed out on her own
  • She jumped from city to city, offering her adventuring services
  • When she was around 21, she came to a city near her hometown, where she met a certain cloaked figure...
  • That figure was, you guessed it, the goblin she’d hurt when they were both young
  • They met because Metzli was sneaking around and ended up in an alley that Gyll happened to be setting up shop in
  • Gyll didn’t seem to remember her at all, so Metzli kept the fact that she VERY MUCH recognized her a secret
  • They ended up becoming friends, and started getting closer
    • It was obvious that there was some ~romantic chemistry~ going on
  • Eventually Metzli’s guilt got to her and she spilled EVERYTHING to Gyll
  • It was tough but they reconciled and got together <3
  • Now Metzli loves her tiny punchy goblin gf and Gyll loves her very tall spooky gf